Ben Carson is one of the biggest paradoxes not only in the Trump administration, but in humanity as a whole. He is the textbook definition of an idiot savant. There is no other way to explain the fact that the man is a pediatric neurosurgeon, who used to practice at reknowned John Hopkins, and also a nitwit, who commits gaffe after gaffe on camera because he does not know the basics of his job as HUD director, and doesn’t even know how to speak English properly.

Carson’s most recent demonstration of how to put one’s foot into one’s mouth, took place Wednesday in his home town of Baltimore, where he strolled on down to an empty field to play Uncle Tom and defend Donald Trump’s racism.

Hit this link to WSJ-TV to hear for yourself how idiotic Carson sounds. His idiocy doesn’t translate to the written word, it has to be seen and heard.

He said after spending “hours and hours” operating on children, “most of the time” being successful, days later he’d find himself in a dilemma about sending some of those kids back into the neighborhoods that he knew that they came from like East Baltimore or West Baltimore.

“Where there were rats, roaches, mice, and ticks,” Carson said, “where there was just an unabated lead problem that was having devastating effects on the mental development of young people.” He also said there was mold.

“Somehow — I guess that’s how God works — I ended up as the Secretary of HUD,” Carson said. “And we can actually deal with these issues.”

Oh yeah, Ben Carson is the man to deal with these issues. Look out Baltimore. Elijah Cummings was asked to show up at the press conference but he declined. As to how God works, we can’t speak to that issue but the Morning Star Baptist Church, in whose field Carson was standing, told him in no uncertain terms to get his ass off their property.

Carson: We were setting up here and they say, “Get off of our property! A church? When we’re talking about helping the people? I mean, this is the level to which we have sunken [sic] in this society.”

Gregory Evans, Church Elder: “If he’s going to have a press conference, why not let us know? ….they were actually cleaning up some of the things on the property. Why was he doing that? To make it look good for him. He wasn’t doing it for us.”

Carson: “We have a society in which people, instead of trying to be helpful, think only about themselves.”

Carson is also credited with saying, in the news story, “For the first time in recorded history, there are more jobs than there are people looking for jobs.’ Sounds like paradise, doesn’t it? Donald Trump just strolled into office and all the social ills of mankind simply melted away. I just love to hear these guys talk. It’s called sophistry, making a fallacious argument with intent to deceive — it’s also called bullshit. By the by, when Carson was asked if Trump’s remarks were racist, he walked away from the microphone. Silence speaks volumes.

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    • Carson has no clue WTF is going on. I seriously can’t believe he had a successful career as a neurosurgeon. If I met that idiot, and he was recommended to do an operation on my kid, I would run screaming out the door. Truly.

        • he didn’t have to know anything about the real world to do that – and there are some questions about how successful he really was.

          • Not in my mind, I would let him operate on my daughter’s brain in a heartbeat, the guy was respected around the world, the criticism mostly comes from politically-based shots now.
            But, you are absolutely right in that success or brilliance on the operating table has nothing to do with ability to handle people. Surgeons are LEGENDARY for not being able to handle people well. Sometimes I thought that was part of the definition of being a surgeon.

          • It’s beyond an issue of handling people, though, Jason. He can’t seem to learn the basics of his HUD job. I truly believe that any smart. educated person could learn the job better than he has — which is to say, not at all. So, he seems to be an idiot savant. If he’s gifted in surgery, more power to him. But he seems abysmally ignorant in every other aspect of life. I know a number of doctors/dentists, what have you and NONE of them is as spaced out as Carson.

          • He *was* really good, at one time. But he got retired from surgery by the hospital, and they won’t say why.

          • His, “spacey”, comments and actions are showing a deterioration from what HAD to be razor sharp reaction and the total communication, (two-way), among the OR team … maybe he had a TIA along the way, or maybe it is progressive, sounds like he was reading his canned speech about Trump before and was left befuddled that the locals were against Trump …

  1. However gifted a neurosurgeon he once was, that guy is long gone. All that’s left is the shell and the shell is full of cracks. For damned sure his intellect isn’t what it once had to be. That was evident back when he was trying (and failing) to mount his own Presidential campaign.

    He’s Trump’s token – the guy he can point to and say “I’m not a racist – I put a black guy in my cabinet!” Of course, while Trump would have preferred someone who could actively sabotage HUD he was willing to settle for one who would wreck it via incompetence, and of course follow instructions from Stephen Miller.


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