Sen. Mitt Romney broke out a wee bit of Salty Lake humor this afternoon when discussing the dotard’s trials and travails on CNN, noting wryly that “so far as I know you don’t pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you.”

Man, Jimmy Kimmel is going to be kicking himself for not thinking of that crack, and if some aide came up with that line for Mitt, he or she should be given a raise and promoted ASAP.

Although, in all fairness to Trump, there may quite possibly be someone out there who has so much moolah they would gladly pay the Orangeutan that kinda money to not even suggest having sex with his diapered derrière and to please not come within smelling distance, thank you very much…

ACYN and his crew at Twitter had a lot of fun with this one:







I hear ya, bro…🤣🤣🤣


Me too.




Wow, between Judge Merchan and Mitt, Trump has had a rough day.

No one deserves it more.

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  1. Poor Marcia.

    “President Trump wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole”

    Ms Daniels zings back.

    “True. He used a 3 inch one”


    Well done, that’s the way to play them Ms Daniels.



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