There’s a line from the movie, The Sting, “If you’re not getting death threats, you’re not doing it right.” The Lincoln Project has been pushing a lot of buttons and getting on a lot of peoples’ nerves, including Donald Trump’s, when he famously went off on them as “losers” after he saw “Mourning In America.” What that misstep on Trump’s part accomplished, was to send the views on the piece soaring from 100K to over four million. Needless to say, the Lincoln Project was howling with laughter and hoping for a repeat performance.

They are apparently getting one from the RNC Senatorial Committee, who are now “losing their damn minds” to quote what Rick Wilson said about Trump post “Mourning in America.” Today, “Trump Stooge” is airing in Maine, and that is a doozy, comparing weak tea Susan Collins to prominent Maine politicians of yesteryear, particularly the renowned Margaret Chase Smith, who took on Joe McCarthy bare knuckled back in the 50’s. Maine senators were made out of sterner stuff then, that’s for damn sure.

The Lincoln Project also has two ads set to launch soon, “Real” in Alaska and “Strong” in Montana, targeted at the races of GOP incumbents, Dan Sullivan and Steve Daines, respectively. “Trump Stooge” hit a nerve and, perhaps in anticipation of the damage to be done to Sullivan and Daines, the RNC is striking back — and, true to form, the hypocrisy is stunning. The Hill:

The National Republican Senatorial Campaign committee hit the group over the ads in a statement on Wednesday, taking aim specifically at Collins’s opponent, Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon (D).

“This Democrat scam PAC is run by ethically challenged and shady grifters who are backed by liberal billionaires. Like the candidate they seek to help, Democrat Sara Gideon, this PAC has struggled with rampant hypocrisy, unethical behavior, and ties to foreign governments,” said NRSC spokesman Nathan Brand.

“Gideon must answer for how she can accept the support of an organization with these problematic ties to Russians, while her campaign relies on political donations from a Putin-tied corporate executive. Mainers know that Senator Susan Collins is the most bipartisan member of the U.S. Senate, and her leadership has helped deliver for Maine.”

Oh, my God. You didn’t hurt yourself when you fell of the chair, did you? Friends, if Sara Gideon had those close of ties to Vladimir Putin, Trump would put her on the ticket as his running mate. And if the Lincoln Project had the same kind of ties, they’d all get cabinet posts. In what alternate universe did the RNC decide to condemn “problematic ties to Russians?” And if you want to be specific, Susan Collins voted to acquit an impeached president* with problematic ties to Russia, to say the very least. So how, in all reason, could she argue that the same ties were objectionable in a political opponent, or anybody else.

This is beyond parody. Sara Gideon and the Lincoln Project are in bed with the Russians,and if I read the above paragraph correctly, so are liberal billionaires? Man, Putin must have a big bed. I thought it was just Trump, Graham, McConnell and some others, but now it’s the Lincoln Project, liberal billionaires, and Democratic candidates. And the RNC is going to save us. The Lincoln Project is scaring the bejesus out of somebody, I think we can say that. The Republicans know these guys are good, and now they’ve turned on them. Poor Republicans, it’s been a really bad four years for Frankenstein monsters. Sad.

The RNC response is not only idiotic, it reeks of desperation. To paraphrase Jim Morrison, they had their kicks and now the whole shithouse is going up in flames. And the Lincoln Project, Republican strategists, are holding the matches and the gas can. This is a comical sub-plot. This bears watching, RNC v. Lincoln Project.

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  1. Another line from Jim Morrison: “No one here gets out alive.” The Lincoln Project were smart enough to get out of the burning building while they stayed until it’s too late to do the same. They know that they’re doomed whilst the Lincoln Project will be rebuilding a post-Trump conservative movement. No pity for the former.

  2. Are you serious? The Lincoln Project is a well-documented team of grifters, with recent dealings with Russia. To deny this is to lie outright. Fuck you

  3. “Maine senators were made out of sterner stuff then, that’s for damn sure.”

    Maine voters were mase out of better stuff then. Sterner – and smarter. I hope they will recapture that this year.


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