They say a house divided cannot stand, and it will be interesting (entertaining) to watch what becometh of the Grand Old Party in the not-so-grand, or old, 21st Century. Joe Biden has been busy dragging this country, with many kicking and screaming, into this new age. There are various reasons it has taken this long, 9-11, Obama hatred, Trump… It seemed like we never turned the corner, whereas people who’ve traveled to Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto, and Paris notice a distinct difference. They are “modern.” It occurs to me to ask whether the GOP is modern enough to make it much longer in this century or if we are about to see a sea change precisely because they’ve held us back.

It looks to me that some of the Republicans have simply had it with Trumpism and hating just to hate and – instead, maybe do something for the country. Very quietly, Republican votes drifted over in the budget reconciliation bill that just passed, and Biden made his compromises, too – it wasn’t dictated to them. It kind of looked like “government.”

Can’t have that, can we, former guy? (From Truth Social)

Josh Hawley is 100% right about Mitch McConnell, who is a Complete and Total Disaster for the Republican Party and our Nation. The only one worse may be his wife, Coco Chow, whose relationships and subservience to China is a catastrophe for our Country.

For this one time, we’ll ignore the racism because Elaine Chao herself has said “ignore it” because she says he is intentionally trying to get a rise out of people over it (Only Trump could call his own Transportation Sec. a Chinese spy – in essence).

No one has been more effective than Mitch McConnell in getting Republican priorities, particularly the SCOTUS, which is currently upending U.S. politics and even day-to-day lives. Hawley knows that McConnell had nothing to do with the Senate race. Sweet Jesus, they had a minority. What the hell is he talking about, “McConnell’s record”? It is likely that had Trump not chosen Herschel Walker, the Senate would be 50-50, and had Trump not chosen Masters and Oz, it’s possible that the Republicans would have taken the Senate. And Hawley’s on Trump’s side.

Trump versus McConnell is no big deal. That’s been going on ever since Trump lost and McConnell agreed the election was over on December 15th. McConnell then chewed on Trump’s ass after voting “not guilty” on the second impeachment. But now Hawley is blaming (needlessly) McConnell for the loss?

We have already seen the House GOP become nearly unmanageable with Marjorie Taylor-Greene, somehow an important politician in the United States. Is the same thing about to happen in the United States Senate? Or is this just Hawley maneuvering for a possible top job? It is an interesting question.

But even beyond Hawley, who is as ambitious as anyone in the Senate, there seems to be an irrevocable split. How is the GOP going to get through 2024 as one party? Right now, I cannot see it.




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  1. The Democrat ‘opposition’ + 5 to 6 sane Republicans is poised to get more of what they want done than the divided and shambolic ‘Majority’. Politics is about to get real.


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