This is an interesting comment from a member of the party of personal responsibility, the chair of the Colorado Republican Party no less. Congressman Ken Buck, spoke at a Cory Gardner fundraiser this weekend, wearing a unique, shall we say, t-shirt.

Cory Gardner keeps some interesting company. I guess this is what Donald Trump’s law and order in America ticket looks like? Kill ’em all?


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  1. I live in Rep Buck’s Congressional district. Not for the first time, I called his offices and urged his staff to get him mental health help. He is not mentally well. The good news is that we have a wonderful Democrat running against him so maybe this time…

    • I’m not in his district, but next door, in Lamborn’s. Aren’t you glad he never made it into the Senate? God, that was a disgusting campaign. I wish you luck in your district, but I am not holding my breath there, not in mine.

      • Same as I said to Living in Mexico, above. If you would like to write about Colorado congressional races, I would welcome it. I’m from Colorado, BTW. I grew up knowing plenty of Republicans, but it was never nuts like this.

    • If you would like to write up that anecdote as an article for the Community Page, I think a lot of people would like to see it. I know I would.

    • Sounds crazy but, honestly given the reality we are living, it may come to a revolution. The people in Belarus, Hong Kong,etc. Should be a wake up call. Question. What the phuck ever guaranteed our life, liberty, & our democratic republic? Answer: nothing is guaranteed on planet earth. NOTHING. If we have those things it will be, as always, up to us TO GODDAMN FIGHT!!!


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