Get The Tin Foil Hats: Wingnut Pastor Declares Trump ‘Will Not Be Removed’ From Office Because Trump and God Are One and The Same


You know, part of me wants to roll on the floor laughing at this idiot, but another part of me wants to cry at this utter distortion of any sane Christian doctrine. What I remember  vividly from what little religious instruction I ever got as a child, is that God’s greatest gift to man is free will. But the wingnuts don’t believe that. Their concept of God is a big Eye in the Sky and he’s calling all the shots about what to do down here — so did free will die an untimely death, along with irony, these past few years and nobody told me? And verily I point out to you, friends, this is the Party of Personal Responsibility that these people belong to. But they’re not responsible for anything, really, God is a micro manager, and if you have blue socks on today, it’s because He willed not, not that you grabbed what was clean. Believe me, the reason I post this, is so you can see first hand how whacked out these people are, and seriously, how they will listen to anything.

“Pastor” Robert Henderson:“He’s God’s choice. They can try all day long to remove him, they will not remove him. God said, ‘I set him as the president,’ and they can fight, and they can curse, and they can do all that they want; the problem is that they’re fighting against God.”

Trump came to this man in a dream, you see, and he didn’t know it was a nightmare, like the rest of us got hip to early on, and so he listened to Trump’s plea, “to make Hillary Clinton as is grass.” I don’t know if Hillary is as grass, but our asses are, that much I do know.

Anyhow, in the dream, (and I’m stupified he didn’t call it a “vision” — these people are always claiming visions) he and Trump went to heaven to petition God and here is the transcript of that momentous judiciary moment.

“We stood in the courts of heaven, in the council of the Lord, and in that council, God told me to make a decree out of James 1:11, which is, ‘All flesh is as grass, and flower is as the glory of the grass.’ And he said to me, ‘Here’s what I want you to do, as you stand here, I want you to decree that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is as grass and that she is as the flower of the grass, and the burning, searing, exposing heat of God will come and bring exposure, and she will wither away and Donald Trump will be the president of the United States.’”

Watch these people nodding and bee-leaving — it’s incredible that there are this many idjits in America. I am truly gobsmacked.

But then if this isn’t funny enough regarding impeachment, Geraldo Rivera came out swinging his balls on Twitter last night.

Man, we have to go through Geraldo Rivera….I assume the most direct route is through Al Capone’s vault, or could I be mistaken?

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  1. *points at robert henderson and laffs*


    *takes deep breath*


    Jeezuz Christ…..

    *wipes away tear*

    • Isn’t it to die for, seriously? And for me, it’s not him that’s the joke: it’s those clowns in the audience clapping and nodding. Amazing, to have just joined a cult and dropped out from reality.

      • I’m with you Ursula…..things that are happening can’t be real……somewhere along the line we slipped into the dimension where Spock has a goatee……

        • Exactly. We went through some cloud in space and everything went totally insane. I wish Douglas Adams was still with us. He could write a space comedy about this.

          • If Rod Serling had written a script for a “Twilight Zone” episode depicting the past couple of years, network executives would’ve nixed it as being “too unbelievable” even for science fiction.

          • It’s insane. One thing I’ve been saying for years is that this will make one hell of a black comedy some day. I don’t know how soon we’ll be ready to laugh at it, but at some point, this material is just screaming for black comedy.

          • Currently, the most accurate portrayal of a Trump-like political system that I have seen is ‘The Death of Stalin’
            I can’t recommend it highly enough.

          • I guess that’s why this cabal’s arrogant incompetence is so glaring to us……as civilized people,it is easier for us to recognize them as savages than it is for them as savages to act like civilized people.

          • Space comedy? Isn’t that the “Space Force” ???

            If we start a GoFundMe, I’ll pitch in a 20 for a seat for Trump, one-way of course.

      • He also said, “Wicked and perverse generation, how long shall I be with thee?” Every generation has been wicked and perverse, but we’re looking at some first rate loonies alive now.

    • These people are nuts. There are some genuine Christians in the world, who are worthwhile, but the evangelicals are the mentally ill cousin that you stash away — the Boo Radleys of the religious world. Nobody reasonable wants to go anywhere near them. (Although Boo Radley, was ago, he was just a hermit with an undeserved bad reputation. I’m talking about “To Kill A Mockingbird” if the reference isn’t clear.)

      • As you say, Boo turned out to be a good guy – he saved Scout in fact. I’ve tried to think of a fictional character like Boo that really was all folks imagined him to be but at least in a few minutes have come up blank. In real life Ted Kaczinski (the Unabomber) who lived off by himself writing his rantings and making his bombs was considered pretty weird even by the few folks he interacted with when he had to go into town. His nutjob beliefs and persecution complex along with his ability to lash out and do so much harm is I think a fair comparison to some of these religious nutjobs that lead congregations.

  2. Jeezus F. Christ on a crutch. Somebody needs to get this crackpot back on his meds. He’s having psychotic breaks, hearing voices and thinking it’s God. I wonder about all these manipulative religious users who claim to have visions and talk to God, if they aren’t all schizophrenic. This clown certainly is. God said, ‘I set him as president’ my foot. Vlad set him as president.

  3. Okay, so there’s a lot I could say about that. I’m going to go esoteric.

    So the Bible was written on various languages, and then one of the most important translations into English was the King James Version, completed in 1611. This…and the fact that the translators themselves were going for “majesty of style” (which I think is a way of saying they were the M Night Shamalans of their time) is why the language is so archaic and odd…the whole “and we set before the thing that was set before us, and thus it was so that the thing that was set was set in the eyes of god and before all men as blah blah blah.”

    Anyway…the point is to ask why all “visions” come down in this particular style of language. I mean…God and the prophets never actually spoke this way. People don’t speak this way now. And yet, all official and totally believable visions are written in English as spoken for a brief period in the early seventeenth century.

    ? (which is to be taken as a more modern dialect expressing my skepticism.)

  4. I could make a much better case that Trump is the Beast of the Apocalypse, with Franklin Graham being the False Prophet. Which I guess leaves only the role of the Whore of Babylon for McConnell … well, that fits too.

  5. Really. God wanted a man who broke all the Ten Commandments as the person best suited to be President of the United States? Blasphemy!


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