Here is a simple diagram, courtesy of the Washington Post, which will show you all the steps along the way from now until the conclusion of Impeachment II. As has been stated, conviction is an incredible long shot, not likely to happen, but barring Donald Trump from running in 2024 is not. That requires only a simple majority. So even if we lose, we win.

Keep your eyes on the prize, which is getting this bum out of public life.


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  1. Thanks for this Ursula. But I don’t get how we might win even if we lose: looks like we still need a conviction in order to continue on to a disqualification. Without conviction, no disqualification. Or am I missing something here?

    • Yes. What you’re missing is that it only takes a majority vote to disqualify Trump from running. Unless some Democrats defect, we can do that. Conviction will take two thirds and that won’t happen unless McConnell decides to engineer it — and I don’t know if he would or not. That’s something a lot of people wonder about. If he did, it would purge the party of Trump for good.

  2. Thanks for the reply Ursula. I knew about the simple majority but presumed, based partly on the chart you provided, that conviction was a necessary prelude to disqualification. The chart suggests that. So, if a brave few Repugnicans vote to convict Trump, what next? Does there have to be a subsequent motion to disqualify him based on that simple majority?
    I’d love that old scumbag McConnell to finally turn on Trump but I wonder if he has the cojones to do so. If not, then he’ll give Trump 4 more years to finish destroying the GOP.


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