It’s no secret that Donald Trump intended to run on the economy, because that was all he had. Then he lost it. Then he decided to demonize Joe Biden. That hasn’t worked out so well. So now he’s down to campaign bedrock, which is to amplify the culture war. And he has done just that, with his unmarked troops in Portland, and now he’s looking to do the same in Chicago.

Make no mistake, this is all just B-roll footage for Trump to pose against as he tries to sell the pitch that he is the law and order president and monger fear to his base. This ad calls out that pretense. He is pitting Americans against one another because that is what dictators do, when the people begin to turn on the dictator.

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  1. part of his desire to invade Chicago is that Chi is Obama’s home city, and in Himself’s demented mind, Obama is responsible for the problems there, which go back *before 1968*.

  2. I believe it was Mussolini who offered the way fascism works…if you pluck a chicken one feather at a time, no one notices.

  3. As a mother of a Navy Veteran, when I saw those goons hitting that Navy Veteran who went to try and talk to these idiots, I was livid. I wish I could take that baton out of that jerks hands and beat him with it. I am sick of these monsters following the orange monsters footsteps and doing this to Americans who have the right to protest.

    • I’m an old, broken down jarhead grunt and what I saw pissed me off just as badly as if the guy that was beaten had been in the Corps. Us & the squids might have had our share of “family quarrels” and plenty of good natured ribbing but like brothers who whale on each other sometimes when some outsider goes after someone in the Naval Service then the Navy/Marine differences are set aside just like when some dumbass cheap shots one brother they wind up facing all that guy’s brothers! Those federal storm trooper goons are fucking cowards hiding behind their (hidden away) badges and face masks. COWARDS. Take away their LE authority and have them take on someone their own age on active duty. Except they wouldn’t have the balls to take on someone who could and would fight back because it would mean taking on someone who wouldn’t have to worry about felony charges of assaulting a federal law enforcement officer.

      Not that it would go anywhere but I’d LOVE to see one of our Congress Critters introduce legislation that every federal LE person geared out like that be required to have a federal badge CLEARLY stenciled on their flack jacket with both their agency and badge # and not just some tiny size but a foot tall and at eight inches across. And that failure to do so would subject them to disciplinary action up to firing if their conduct reaches the kind of cowardly and unprovoked assault they unleashed on a peaceful protester.


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