It’s another big election year so I suggested to the team that we might do a campaign song this week. The Furkids snuffled and shuffled about for a bit until someone came up with “Come Together” by The Beatles. Turns out John Lennon was asked to write a campaign song for Timothy Leary whose campaign slogan was “Come Together”. He wrote a few lines but it wasn’t what Leary was looking for so Lennon took it to the studio with him and, with Paul McCartney, worked it into its final form.

Turns out, this song fits in perfectly with the theme the Furkids want for this year: come together and help each other. I agree that this is a fine motto for 2024. (The Furkids prefer mottos over resolutions because it’s easier to stick to a motto. Besides, a resolution might involve cutting down on treaties and they are firmly against this!)

Back to the song…

Some of the lines, as Lennon happily admitted, are purposeful nonsense — and I rather think that’s why it appeals so much to the Furkids team. They adore nonsense! Of course, they added their own touches as well. I think John Lennon would’ve approved.

The jukebox was borrowed from 1969 and is full of old money, so just press play, scroll down to the illustrated lyrics, and sing along!

The Furkids love the frothy milkshakes at They want you to know they choose oat milk and love licking up their frothy moustaches! You can treat them to their favourite frothies for $3/€3/£3. All proceeds go towards the new computer fund (to replace the old desktop that died during a thunderstorm). Our heartfelt thanks to all contributors. 💝 💖 💝

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} I always appreciate the Furkids rewrites of the lyrics. Coming together is good. We’ve managed to get through the first week of 2024 together. So far, so good. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

  2. On the last day of 2023, I finally got off my considerable ass and bought the Furkids a coupla frothies! My little act saved that entire year for me! And, clearly, it’s getting 2024 started wonderfully as well! I highly recommend it! 😻


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