It’s been a hectic week at la casa de Michelle y Loula with one longtime resident moving out and a new housemate moving in. Sunday came around all too quickly so I dipped into the archives for this week’s Furkids episode. This one was a topic suggested by our dear friend bfitz. It features some furkid patois which I’ve left in, just for the fun of it.

The Furkids team have a fascination with water. They love to look at those who live in a permanent waterworld, those who live in and out of water and those, like themselves, who just think water is fun — though many do not care for b-a-t-h-s, they don’t mind at all getting wet for fun!

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  1. Ahh the fond memory of taking my eldest to St Stephen’s Green in Dublin and letting him feed the ducks.

    The problem was in getting him to understand that throwing pieces of bread TO the dicks wasn’t the same as throwing it AT them (having watched a totally confused mallard trying to get at the lump of bread in the middle of its back)

  2. {{{Michelle}}} the one year I lived in the country as a kid we had a cat who loved to “fish” the rice “paddies” we lived behind. She fed our dogs some good protein to augment the cheap kibble we could afford. ? (The dogs loved to play in the water but couldn’t fish worth beans.) Back in the city going to Hermann Park Zoo and feeding the ducks (& other water birds) was always a treat. That you for fun pics calling up laughs and memories. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}} to you. Skritches to Ms. Loula.

  3. A lovely diary, Michelle! It’s really fun to see how many different animals like to play in water. Thanks so much for treating us to your delightful creations each week!

  4. I look forward to your contributions here every week. When I first opened this, I was a wee bit disappointed because there was no music to enjoy. Silly me! Some things just stand alone with no need for distraction.


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