The look of love is not in Melania’s eyes and there is a back story to this. Whoa, Nelly. Where is that body language expert who chimes in from time to time? We need a consultation, stat. As you know, Donald Trump cursed Judge Lewis Kaplan up one side and down the next because His Honor would not postpone the trial. There is no need for the trial to be postponed. As the judge told Trump from the get go, only his lawyers need be present.

In any event, Trump got to go to the funeral, wedging it in between a campaign event and a town hall with Sean Hannity and then back to the campaign events, tout suite. Now, what is the obvious point to make, here, is that if Melania and Donald so very much wanted for Donald to be present at the funeral, then why is Melania giving him a look that could melt lead? And why is Barron seemingly comforting him and/or acting as the demilitarized zone?

Trump looks miserable but not the kind of miserable that most people look at funerals. He looks not so much bereaved as he looks like his ass has been kicked. And that’s the impression I get from Melania coming out of the limo, as well.

And here’s where it looks like Barron is the prop between his parents. Interesting. This arrangement could have been done differently, but this is how it was done.

I don’t know where this was taken or for what occasion. I post it because it’s a similar Addams Family vibe, plus the fact that Kimberly is eclipsing Jared is amusing when there’s more than enough room in the shot. Intriguing.

Here’s an interesting post.

MAGA is all ready for a royal family in America and this is it. Dear Gawd.

On that note we take our leave. There is no joy in Trump world and it’s not entirely due to the fact that a family member has been lost.



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  1. I imagine “Melanie” was plenty pissed at Donald showing up. She knew damn well it was nothing but a photo op to him to send out to MAGAs as part of fundraising pitches. His showing up was basically his way of proverbially shitting all over the funeral. I can easily imagine the fury coming from her when hubby showed up. “Vaht are YOU doing here! You hated my mother. You know none of us vanted you here. I ASKED you to stay at your trial, or go campaign but NO. You just had to show up and make this all about YOU. Look, I deed the fooking first lady stuff like the fooking chrees-mus decorations. I made some campaign stops even so you could make those idiots you hate but love you think I still let you fook me. We have our contract and I follow it. I ask you for ONE thing – stay away today and vaht do you do? You show up. Keep those nasty hands of yours in your pockets and don’t even theenk about touching me!

    Yep, she took him to the woodshed and I’ll bet in her last negotiation she included a provision that lets her cash out and walk whenever she wants. AND her lawyer made sure Trump knows there are “receipts” and how bad an idea it would be for him to try and play games. No wonder he looked like he’d been to the principal’s office, as in back when WE were in school. Those good ole days when meaner ones had paddles and used them, and some had a special paddle with holes at least an inch in diameter in them to make them hurt more. Thankfully I never found myself in the office for a paddling. Well, there was that one time I and a few friends didn’t deserve to be punished but our principal was in one of his moods and blamed us for something. Something small and blew it out of proportion. He was literally in a white-hot rage and shaking he was so angry and turned to Mr. Sims (the vice principal and a really good guy I should add) and told him to wear our butts out and stormed out of the office. Mr. Simms smiled at us and nodded towards his office and we went in. In turn he had each of us bend over enough to put our hands on his desk, and then gave us several round of barely touching us with the paddle and then whacking a big textbook on his desk so the secretaries could hear. When he was done with each of us (technically having “paddled” us) before opening the door he told us to quickly get out and act like we were in some pain. Sorry for the long story folks. But given current events it seems like we’ve got a choice this November between Mr. Bowers (Trump) and Mr. Simms (Biden). I’m sure I know which one each of those guys (both have passed away) would vote for!

  2. I don’t know what Barron’s aspirations are, but I hope he is looking forward to more than just entering the Trump family businesses….neither Trump Corp. nor the Presidency…since Daddy lost them both!

    • You wouldn’t like my family much. I have photos and home movies of every funeral…it’s the only time we can all get together! After the somber photo, we go out for a huge dinner and laugh our asses off with shared stories of the demised! Best memories for some, new understanding of family members for the younger ones!

      • I went to the funeral of a dear friend back in 2008 and a bunch of us went out to dinner afterwards. Funerals are legitimately social events.

        • Before I became personae non gratta in my own hometown (for not only NOT openly worshiping Trump but openly criticizing him and those who support him – including that little piece of shit Congress Critter who’s the little brother of a classmate) I had instructions in my file at the funeral home for my visitation to be in the new chapel – next to the parking lot. And that it would be an old fashioned Irish wake. A keg of beer. And a few hundred bucks more for munchies and ten or twelve bottles of good booze. H|JD, Scotch (with at least one bottle of single malt for a toast just before things got too out of hand) and an invitation for those so inclined to set up some grills in the parking lot and cook up some real food. But then came Trump and now I’m no longer welcome back there. I sent Howard new instructions, told him to scrap the casket I’d picked out and to just find a time when my sister (if still living and a couple of other folks who would still show up and bury my cremated remains in my dad’s burial plot. Since none of the veteran’s groups would do an honor guard maybe play taps for me on a smart phone, and leave my flag (along with my dad’s which I have) at the office so that if the cemetery flies veteran’s flags on Memorial Day mine too might go up with my dad’s. But I learned recently Howard sold the family business so even if Trump hadn’t come along I don’t think my plans would have flown with the folks from over in MO who bought the place, the other funeral home in town and the cemetery too. (They’ve bought up quite a few town’s establishments on our side of the river)

          I did love the idea though. Old friends still above ground swapping embellished stories about the shit we did, and getting wasted enough to start making shit up! Just having a merry old time, with me picking up the tab.

  3. I doubt this photo was taken at the funeral of his MiL. Donald would be in the middle if it were. Nor is,Melanie or Barron. And where is Eric the Awful, who likely inspired the rag Ray Stevens song.

    The real.giveaway is Tiffany’s bare arms. In a snowy January.

    • The picture I said had Addams Family vibes was not at the funeral, I’m sure. I didn’t say it was. I said I posted it because of the Addams Family aura. I have no idea when or where it was taken and I couldn’t find out.

  4. Is it just me or does Barron not bear the slightest resemblance to DaddyDon? Melania, yeah but Donald? I wouldn’t be surprised…


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