Foreign Policy Magazine Calls Trump Russia Probe By It’s True Name: “Textbook Treason”


David Rothkopf is the Editor and CEO of Foreign Policy Magazine, and as such he knows a thing or two about the subject. He does not mince any words in describing a situation that is “without equal, not only in American history, but in modern history.” As has been noted by experts since the moment it happened Friday, the timing of Rod Rosenstein announcing the 12 new indictments in the FBI Russia probe was not accidental.

It is clear that the intelligence and law enforcement communities of the United States — adhering to the principles of patriotism enumerated by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Friday — felt that a message needed to be sent to the Russians that we were on to them.

Typically, the president would deliver such a message, but this president has proven to be the staunchest defender of Putin and the most active advocate of covering up or denying these attacks. He did it again this week even while aware of the indictments. […]

That the president is abetted in his aid for the Russians — again, in the midst of this ongoing attack — by the leadership of the Republican Party makes the situation all the more extraordinary and dangerous. As Republicans seek to undermine the investigation, they serve Russia as directly as if they were officers of the GRU. Some now reportedly seek to impeach Rosenstein on trumped up charges. To attack one of our national defense leaders as we are being attacked, and to do so to benefit our foreign adversary, is textbook treason.

That is strong language. But consider this: If we updated our definitions of war to include cyberwar, then aiding a foreign power engaged in such a war against us would certainly meet the Constitutional definition: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

The Republicans who defend Russia and minimize their actions, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson being the poster child, are traitors. As to the Traitor in Chief, we know full well that his motivation is financial. He has no other motivation in life. If it’s not something to eat or fornicate with, then it must be something to buy or control, and as long as he can finance his bread and circus on the scale that he likes it, he’s fine with selling his country to the Russians.

It’s very telling that he became momentarily upset back in March when Putin broadcast his video on Russian nuclear invincibility, showing missiles raining down on Florida. Trump became temporarily incensed at that, but then obviously Putin quickly regained the upper hand quickly, and has maintained it. As the Helsinki Summit proceeds Monday, bear that in mind — the *resident of this country has been severely compromised by the President of Russia. Putin is calling the shots.


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    • I was talking about this on twitter earlier tonight and I told somebody Lincoln’s quote: “America can never be defeated from outside. If we falter and lose our liberties it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

      Obviously, Putin understands this very well.


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