“Oh would someone the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us,” said the poet Robert Burns. Donald Trump was out on the golf course today and bragging about what a great drive he did. His sycophants cheered, of course. To Trump, he is the conquering hero, the athlete, the leader, the statesman admired by all.

He conceives of himself in James Bondian terms, all the women want him, all the men want to be him. You think I jest. This thought process isn’t limited to Trump, he has said the very same thing about his daughter, Ivanka. He thinks that all women wish they could be her and all men are dying to get next to her. He can’t see Ivanka the way many people do, as a vapid airhead, made conventionally pretty by dint of plastic surgery but prior to that nothing to write home about. In all events, here’s today’s performance on the campaign trail.

The red sweater only makes him a dead ringer for Santa. All he needs is the big black belt over it, and some kids dressed like elves, and he’s there.

Live it up, Donald. I don’t know if you’ll be able to golf in the House Of Many Doors. Although, if they send him to a minimum security federal penitentiary, a Club Fed, as it were, he can probably golf there. Mini-golf at the very least I would think.

Sixteen more days, friends. That’s how close we are to the Iowa Caucus. Then New Hampshire later on in the month. It’s starting to get serious now.

I’m sure his handlers are thrilled when he’s out on the golf course. At least he’s not saying stupid, incriminating things on social media when he’s playing golf. But it doesn’t last for long. He comes back in from off the course, asks his lawyers, “What’s up?” and then they tell him about the most recent filing and no, Sir, you probably aren’t going to be successful in your bid to use the doctrine of presidential immunity as an excuse for your treasonous acts.

And then the ketchup bottles begin to vibrate, knowing their fate. Then, while Trump’s wolfing down another cheeseburger he talks to yet another lawyer. That one tells him the latest on the ballot issue in Colorado or Maine. Then another lawyer chimes in with whether he can delay one or more of his trials and the answer to that is no.

And so it goes, another day in the life of Trumpty Dumpty. The way he looks in the above photo, he best stop worrying about his golf stroke and try to prevent the other kind. When you’re morbidly obese, have a rotten diet, and you’re under plenty of stress, you’re a medical emergency waiting to happen.

At least this is what Ron DeSantis has been banking on, lo these many months. And this entire Trump saga could end on an anti-climactic note like that, make no mistake.


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  1. As low as that drive was, it probably went 50 yards. Tiger’s kid can blast it 300 yards! Of course if he whiffed it, the cult members would applaud like he just hit a homer to win the world series. Hey dumpft let’s see you get on and off a bike with foot clips like Biden does. DOWN GOES FRAZIER! DOWN GOES FRAZIER! God…what a clueless bastard!

  2. psychology is difficult, in any family as we all know, Fred Trump was a racist slum lord
    and His son Always tried to become someone he wasn’t,
    America is not really a country, it’s a bunch of States, like
    a family
    I’m an optimistic, our better Angels
    What people forget, our forefathers said most elegantly, wasn’t written in the Constitution, it was their hidden thoughts
    This is an Experiment in governance,

    and Experiment, real people make life work

  3. Your piece shows to one and all that the “… Flushed, Greasy-Haired Fat Man …” is nothing but the MAGA/GOP uncouth and loudmouthed:

    • I can’t play anymore but I used to love it. I agree. I’ve both walked (and carried my clubs) while playing and ridden in carts and riding in a cart doesn’t provide anything in the way of meaningful exercise. It’s a long story about what happened in a short time after I moved down to the Raleigh, NC area in 2014 but one thing I had really looked forward to was treating myself at least once a year to heading down the road to Pinehurst. There’s quite the collection of golf courses around/near the actual village of Pinehurst and a group of guys I once knew because we all worked for the same Town made an annual trip every year to play some of them. Every year but one work forced me to cancel at the last minute but I always wanted to go back. More to the point, I wanted to play THE course in the area. Donald Ross’ venerable Pinehurst #2, his signature course which any golfer would have on their short list of places to play in the U.S. It’s an expensive proposition and the cost of a single round there was more than one of those “golf trips”, the packages that included hotel and three lesser courses. The one year I got to go on the trip one memorable place that’s no longer a golf course (The Pit) was on our agenda. THAT was quite the round! Anyway, I looked forward when I moved down here to being able to play Pinehurst #2, and having a caddy & a round of golf like I’d see happen on TV. Even back in 2014 it would have been around five hundred bucks by the time a tip for the caddy was included but getting to play, and especially WALK the course and really take it all in would have been worth every penny.

      Prior to becoming VP and because he was so involved in the Obama administration he didn’t have much time to play Joe Biden was considered to be one of the top golfers in DC political circles – the mix of elected, appointed and others who are involved in politics. About a 4 or 5 handicap. Back then, without the ability to cheat (which he’s legendary for doing) Trump would have had a helluva time beating Biden at golf even if they rode in carts. I still think if they were to WALK eighteen holes Biden could still beat Trump in a televised (even if not live) match. With the cameras on every move he made Trump wouldn’t be able to cheat! Plus, even before they’d finished the front nine Trump would be sucking wind even with a caddy carrying his bag. He’d start out winning but being so out of shape he wouldn’t be worth shit after four or five holes and be spraying shots into the next zip code and missing two foot putts!

      My guess is that after a few holes, being in the lead but knowing he was fading and about to get humiliated Trump would suddenly get “innjured” or “sick” and have to withdraw. Then he brag about playing a “round” (implying the full eighteen holes) against Biden and beating him. Even a course like Congressional would kick Trump’s ass if he had to walk it. What I’d love is to see him try to WALK Augusta National. I’ve never been there but even on TV you can see how hilly it is. They say it’s actually much more so than it seems on TV and by they I don’t just mean TV commentators. When I worked for the Town of Herndon our golf pro and course Superintendent got to go down one year and be part of the volunteers that come in from around the country each year to help put on The Masters. They couldn’t get over how hilly the place was! I doubt the members of Augusta would want Trump soiling their grounds with his presence however. Even riding in a cart Trump would want no part of trying to play that particular course, even with the greens at normal speed instead of “championship speed” as we see each April. I’ve always wished Oakmont in PA would publicly encourage Trump to come and play an exhibition round. With cameras and a gallery. That course has some pretty good topography too, and it’s severe in difficulty year round. The members demand it. It can literally be ready in a few weeks to host a major championship (the time it would take to grow the rough an extra couple of inches) and in fact has been called on to do so in the past. That place would embarras the hell out of Trump! The members take great pride in how difficult their course is, year round. In fact, the locker rooms don’t have air conditioning! The line from them is they “don’t want the suffering to end.”

      One last thought. I watched Trump hit his tee shot in that tweet. Not much of a swing! It’s about the half swing you’d expect from a longtime golfer who once had decent game but was pushing eighty years old and long past being able to make a full swing at the ball.

      • Let’s not forget…he’s so goddamn lazy he drives his cart onto the phucking green. He’d be banned from every course I ever walked.


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