First William Barr Was Compared To John Mitchell, Now He’s The New Joseph Goebbels


The promise of a bona fide constitutional crisis arising during the reign of Donald Trump is no new concept. In fact, it’s always been a virtual assurance; and the dilemma in front of us now is one bitch kitty of a constitutional crisis. No question about that. We have an attorney general who lied to the American public in April about the nature of his communications with Robert Mueller. We have Speaker Pelosi openly calling the man a liar, and Barr did himself no favors by his no-show before Congress Thursday — while having plenty of time to hold court at fashionable Washington eatery Tosca, for over two hours. To all practical purposes, the constitutional crisis is here, it is now, and it is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Mazie Hirono cut through the hype Wednesday, and told Barr the only ethical thing to do is resign. If Barr doesn’t do that, and he won’t, the likelihood of impeachment looms large. And what brought us to this place? One theory is that Barr, known as the “cover up general” is looking to outdo his previous cover ups, and become the cover up king. To that end, Donald Trump is his piece de resistance. Salon via RawStory:

Perhaps the man whom conservative columnist William Safire described years ago as the “cover-up general” sees working for Trump as the ultimate professional challenge. Pulling off a cover-up for a man as thoroughly and shamelessly corrupt as this guy would be the Sistine Chapel, the Beethoven’s Fifth, the “Hamlet” of cover-ups. All other cover-up artists would stand in awe at the feat. While Barr might be remembered as a villain by history, he would, like Joseph Goebbels before him, still be known as a man who excelled at evil propaganda.

Unfortunately for Barr, the task might be too big for even the most genius-y of evil geniuses, if his sweaty performance on Wednesday is any indication. Now he and his co-conspirators are  moving on to phase two: Stonewall and try to see if you can trick people into thinking it’s anything but stonewalling.

The main weapon in the effort to spin the stonewalling is faux outrage, accompanied by a hefty sense of entitlement. The line Republicans are trotting out is that they are just totally done with all these pesky questions about Russian election interference, obstruction of justice and efforts to undermine public understanding of the Mueller report — and that, furthermore, it’s an outrage that they have to answer questions about why they are sick of answering questions.

This is where the battle lines are drawn, that much is clear. Tucker Carlson smirks and snarls “Rushhh-uhhh,” like a pre-schooler mocking vegetables, a despised dish that he is forced to ingest by people who are unreasonable — in his eyes, because he lacks the maturity, not to mention honesty, to see the situation for what it is — and because he’ll say anything for a paycheck. The man is bereft of integrity. He’s been lying for so long he wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass. He never thinks about the damage he, and Fox News, are doing to this country, which is incalculable. They have no compunctions about presenting the Barr imbroglio solely as a partisan-based evil. Or, to use Trump’s favorite phrase, “presidential harassment.”

The Fox News propaganda machine is churning 24/7, and using words like “obsession” and “deranged” to describe the Democrats’ straight forward, and thoroughly justified outrage, at the spectacle before us: the Attorney General of the United States being caught in lies and perjury before Congress. This is not business as usual, this is a travesty, and Fox News can bleat all it wants about executive privilege, but the bottom line is this: there is a clear, hostile confrontation going on between the legislative and executive branches of our government, and it is being engineered by an attorney general who was hired for his position based upon a 19 page memo he wrote, which stated, among other things, that the Mueller obstruction investigation was “fatally misconceived.”

Both Senator Hirono and Hillary Clinton have stated the obvious: Barr isn’t performing as attorney general, the office he swore an oath to uphold, he’s acting as Donald Trump’s defense lawyer. Adam Schiff stated not long ago that Trump had “found his Roy Cohn,” yet  another statement of the obvious. Cohn was infamous for his relationship with the disreputable Joseph McCarthy and Barr will be lucky if he is able to leave Washington, D.C. with as much grace as McCarthy did, after his tenure with the most unprincipled and dishonest man ever to hold any elective office, let alone the highest one in the land, is finished.

Meanwhile, Republicans are counting on the ignorance of the American people and on their own blatant and unceasing disinformation campaign to pull the wool over the country’s eyes, in a manner never before attempted or even contemplated. Bill Clinton may have had his dalliances, but they pale into the spectrum of the trivial, beside Donald Trump and the glaring corruption of this mis-administration. This is a different ballgame altogether. The  complicity of the entire GOP is utterly despicable.

But Republicans are counting on the idea that most Americans aren’t following the scandal closely, don’t understand the extent of Trump’s corrupt and likely criminal behavior, and can be fooled into believing that he’s been cleared of wrongdoing. Ignorance is the best resource the Republicans have. The less people know about all this the more that void can be filled in with false claims that Trump has been cleared or that he was “falsely accused,” a ludicrous assertion that Barr had the huevos to trot out during Wednesday’s hearing.

This is the caliber of “leadership” that the Republican party has degenerated to in 2019. Whatever the party of conservatism may have ever stood for, the GOP has sold it’s soul to Donald Trump, lock, stock and barrel. The Party of Lincoln, or of Reagan for that matter, has abdicated to the dark side and is now the Party of Trump, and unrecognizable as the political party it used to be — although the handwriting was always on the wall that this is who they could become and it would be naive to think otherwise.

Lindsey Graham famously said, and has more famously and conveniently forgotten, his words in 2015, “If we nominate Trump, he will destroy us and we will deserve it.” “Us” in that sentence meant the GOP — at the time. Now we have Trump in the Oval Office, where he and his cabal of crooks and liars sabotage our most cherished institutions and pillage our coffers on a routine basis.

Jerry Nadler bottom lined it on Thursday and here are his words: “The choice is simple: We can stand up to this president in defense of the country and the Constitution and the liberty we love, or we can let the moment pass us by. History will judge us for how we face this challenge.”

This is the turning point.


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    • Good morning, Mae! I didn’t sleep last night, either. I had a crazy day and didn’t get to my writing like usual. Bottom line about 3:30 a.m. I said, “Should I go to sleep or just write a piece for the morning?” And decided to do the latter.

      I’m going to have to crash soon, but I’ll check up on Pelosi’s plan ASAP. This Barr fiasco is going to dominate the news for some time to come. I am blown away by all the details that are surfacing. Here we go.

      • Well, I should have specified, i don’t know for sure what is planned, I just thought that she couldn’t sleep because she was thinking about what to do. I trust her and Jerry Nadler to come up with something.

        • This is the turning point, as stated. My instinct from very early on was that Russia was the smoking gun. Columnist Frank Rich wrote a piece, “The Elephant In The Room Is A Bear” very early on, in 2016. it’s taken us all this time for the entire situation to “ripen” if you will and this is what we’ve got.

          I don’t know if you ever both to listen to Fox News, but they are even more incredible than usual the past few weeks. Carlson is talking about how the “lefties” are presenting their opinions but lying and saying they’re facts. And of course, people who watch Fox News don’t know the difference between an opinion and a fact. They’re just open vessels into which any kind of bullshit can be poured, apparently, and then they walk into a voting booth.

          Bottom line, Fox News is getting really down and dirty and this is going to be immensely ugly before it’s all over.

          People talk about Watergate, but in that era, we didn’t have two competing narratives of reality. There were facts, only, not “alternative facts.” The country is in big trouble and the hope I see for salvation is 1. Democrats unify and 2. We get out the vote. No other choice.

          • Yes, democrats unifying. I see crappy comments all the time about Robert Mueller, and Sarah Kendzior is brilliant and amazing! I just looked her up, I don’t see how she is qualified to be an expert on Robert Mueller and his investigation.

          • I’m confused. Are you for Kendzior or against her? I haven’t read any piece of hers in weeks.

          • She is as good as anyone else who chooses to speculate. I am not over the moon about her, like a lot of other people are.

          • I think I’ve said this before but whether I have written it elsewhere or not it still applies. If you’re a student of history you know that Russia/the USSR spent decades starting in the 1930s to weaken and take down the U.S. by infiltrating the American left. This went on for five decades, at least through the 1970s. It didn’t work, and at the end of the 1980s the USSR was gone, collapsed under its own corrupt weight.

            A young KGB officer by the name of Vladmir Putin was devastated by the fall of the USSR and vowed revenge. He wormed his way into power and eventually took over and created a leaner (and meaner) version of his old USSR. Once he solidified his hold on power and turned Russia away from pursuing democracy and back into an authoritarian State he set about taking down NATO and it’s main player, his real enemy with is the United States. Ole Vlad looked at history and I am sure pored through countless records of operations they conducted here to co-opt the American left – and tried to figure out why.

            At the same time he looked at the transformation with the U.S. during and after the fall of the USSR. The whole reason the Reagan Revolution was possible was that CONservative “Christians” bought into the GOP on a massive scale. This is a group already preconditioned to obeying the dictates of authoritarian leaders disguised as preachers. Then the NRA, always conservative leaning cocompletely tore down the wall between the main group which promoted gun safety, marksmanship and hunting & it’s hard core faction which was the Institute for Legislative Affairs – its lobbying arm known as the ILA. When NRA leadership says jump it’s members and millions of gun owners have asked how high. IOW another group preconditioned to obeying orders without question.

            Bluntly put, Putin had (I believe) an epiphany that the route to infiltrating and controlling the highest levels of our government was via infiltrating it’s two most hard core group of supporters – gun nuts and religious nuts. He started planting the sees probably a decade ago, but really kicked things into high gear roughly five years ago and the results are there for us all to see in the Presidency of one Donald Trump. And it increasingly seems a few other key GOP leaders, like McConnell. Basically Putin in five years accomplished what Russia/the USSR couldn’t do in five decades – get people in place to tear apart the United State’s institutions and norms from within with American citizens doing the destruction. All because he realized that unlike the American left, the American right was ready made for authoritarian leadership.

          • It’s a durned good thing they didn’t figure that out in the 30’s, or we’d be under Russian (or maybe Soviet – maybe the USSR would still exist) rule today. I can’t for the life of me grasp why they didn’t see it then – but I am very glad they didn’t.

          • Little did they know that the answer was to weaken and take down the American right by infiltrating it. That plan seems to be working quite well, and God knows it hasn’t taken decades.

  1. Sadly, it’s not just Fox “News” spinning the whole thing as a mere vendetta of Democrats. I opened the NY Times enewsletter this morning to a top headline of “Democrats’ fight with Barr boils over.” They reduced a constitutional threat to our democracy as “Democrats’ fight”! Further they then said Nancy Pelosi “accused” Barr of lying about not knowing what Mueller thought, when in fact we HEARD him lie and Mueller has contradicted him. If they wanted to be safe, they could simply say “Barr said blah blah blah but Mueller says that’s not true.” To frame it as “Pelosi accused” dimininished the entire thing to a mere “he said/she said” partisan spat.

    Do not subscribe to this vile excuse for “journalism.”

    • The problem we have with the way journalism is configured, and God, I hope it doesn’t kill us as a culture, is that the needs of the marketplace demand a certain kind of headline. And in the Age of Trump, that is deadly, because he’s such a phony and he and his cadre lie so much, that to say something like “Democrats fight” is not the truth — but they couch it that way in order to sell papers, get clicks. I’m not defending the NYT, au contraire — I am disgusted that they can’t call Trump the liar that he is. “False statement” is as far as they can go. Believe me, I did a lot of reading into how the media helped Trump get in the White House and I live in terror that they will repeat the performance again, and have learned nothing.

  2. This is my first comment since following you for quite a while. What a compelling piece. My compliments on a truly remarkable piece of work.

  3. Goebbels was better looking, by far. Not that appearance predicts anything or has any significance. Just sayin’

    • In Goebbels younger years, his photo side-by-side with Miller’s, you know the ghost planner for Trump’s outrageous performances in the WH, could have been identical twins ….
      Miller’s push for Trump is to control everything media, as in phaux news being the state information clearing center … pretty scary guy, his drifting of DJT into the Hitler realm is not just a theory but they seem to be working toward it and we had better be ready to shut DJT and his personal sewer down fast … IMHO

      • Now we have the lizard Barr surfacing with his tap on the DOJ and, if we don’t neuter him ASAP, his power for DJT will immediately explode because, well, there IS the Dotard McConnell saying he is once again going to trash everything coming out of our House which he has already done in spades ….
        Yikes, they ALREADY are lined up to crash the system, and if we don’t flat-out crush this beast in the WH and the Republican monster that the Senate is now, with every damn vote we can muster, Trump’s Brown shirts will be knocking on our doors to make sure we understand our new responsibilities to only the King Trump …

        • I hope to hell he gets impeached. I truly do. If he does my faith will be restored. If not, I don’t want to think of what the next outrage will be.

          And while this is going on domestically, I look at the hash being made out of the foreign scene? OMG. I would love to know Nixon’s take on the total mess in Venezuela. He must be spinning in his grave.


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