“I would release my taxes, but I’m under audit. I’d be a fool to release my tax returns while under audit.”

Everyone knew that he was full of sh*t. There was no rule that he couldn’t release his taxes while under audit, none. It was an excuse that “sounded” good enough for those who wanted to vote for him anyway. But they didn’t care much to begin with.

But it was even worse. Not only could Trump release his taxes while under audit, but it also turns out he was never truly audited. He wasn’t under audit when he claimed to be before the election, and Mnuchin, as this site has already reported, may be in real trouble for allowing Trump to get away without being audited as president. But I admit, I was fooled. I thought that, given the number of LLCs he controlled all over the place, surely one was being audited, and he’d claim that was the “audit” if ever caught.

Nope. He has nothing. From Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe: (Video below)

“It proves that Hillary Clinton, was right all along. Nancy Pelosi was right all along, and Chuck Schumer was right all along. The Democrats were right all along. Reporting from the New York Times was right all along, Washington Post, too, was 100 percent correct all along. Donald Trump was not under audit. Donald Trump was lying. He was desperate to hide the truth from Americans.”

And why would such a rich man need to hide his taxes? Because he wasn’t all that rich and sort of specialized in losing money:

“That truth, that far from being a shrewd businessman, he was, in fact, the biggest loser out of the 300 million Americans who filed their taxes with the IRS. The man lost more money than any other American, at a time when he was writing “The Art of the Deal,” this was happening, and worse than that, the fact his own Treasury Department under the bumbling hands of Steve Mnuchin refused to audit the president after Trump got into the White House — that’s usually done. So that lie continued and continued and continued until last night.

While Trump was writing “The Art of the Deal” Trump lost more money than any other American that year. “Winning!”

Nothing shocking, though I did think that there would be audits somewhere.

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: Lots of new articles

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  1. Former guy was a child born to a wealthy man and nothing else. He is not nor has he ever been a “businessman”. Anyone thinking otherwise is very, very foolish.

    Hopefully we will see justice being brought to bear on this criminal in the tax arena. If we let high profile criminals get away with their crimes, why even have laws?

  2. We would have known years ago had the IRS followed the law. I’m sure anyone paying attention knew this long ago as a reasonable assumption given his track record of financial crimes and lies.

  3. Not to mention the fact that he wanted to weaponize the I.R.S. with audits of his critics in the press and in Congress. Typically, he accused Biden of doing what he actor tried to.pull.

  4. It was revealed the one year he reported a positive income was due to selling a property his daddy bought in the 70s. Otherwise he lost money every year from 2015 to now. He paid zero taxes in 2020. He paid 750. for two years. That should piss off the middle class, students paying back loans, etc. As the song from the 60s said: when will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?(US).

  5. Well I fully believed he should be under audit. That somewhere, someone was doing their job and doing an audit. I didn’t believe for a minute that his people were doing shit. But government agencies have people that work independently from whoever or in this case. Whatever is in charge. To bad, someone missed their chance to shine.


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