FBI Can’t Find Photos Of Comey and Meuller ‘Hugging and Kissing’ While Trump Says ‘I Could Give You A Hundred’


If you missed it, Donald Trump claimed in a September 4 interview with ultra conservative rag The Daily Caller that Robert Mueller and James Comey, are “best friends” by way of maligning the integrity of the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“He’s Comey’s best friend, And I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other. You know, he’s Comey’s best friend.”

Mueller and Comey knew one another of course, as co-workers. The had lunch a few times and on one occasion had dinner together with their spouses. That scarcely qualifies them as BFFs. In any event, Trump continued the narrative and six weeks ago BuzzFeed reporter Jason Leopold filed a request with the FBI to obtain said photographs, under the Freedom of Information Act.

Among the amused is James Comey.

So now the ball is in Huckabee Sanders court, and you know the drill. She will be asked what Trump meant and either she will stonewall altogether, or she will invent some way of explaining that Trump actually made a legitimate statement, in a tone of righteous indignation. This would be a good time to recycle the old “You’ve got your mind in the gutter” comment. That sounded properly preachy.

Or, maybe Sarah will just forego press briefings for a few days, hoping that an invasion from Mars or some such will captivate the news cycle and she won’t have to explain her whack a mole boss’ latest gaffe.

She should change her name to Sarah Huckabee Sandbag, since that is, in essence, her function in the Trump court.

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