The FBI and Michigan State police raided a house in Hartland, MI Wednesday night and arrested six men who allegedly plotted to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer as part of a plot to violently overthrow the government. Daily Beast:

The arrest came after investigators uncovered an alleged plot that involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit, as first reported by The Detroit News. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

NBC News is also reporting

At a meeting in July, allegedly attended and recorded by one of the confidential sources, the men “discussed attacking a Michigan State Police facility, and in a separate conversation after the meeting, Garbin suggested shooting up the Governor’s vacation home,” authorities allege.

This was all reasonably foreseeable, since Trump’s characterization of the neo-Nazis at Charlottesville as “very fine people” and his endorsement of armed protesters, not to mention the elevation to folk hero status of the 17-year-old Kenosha shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse. These are all threads of the same tapestry. This is not only anti-government, it is antisocial and un-American — but it is vintage Trump. This is what four years of that maniac hath wrought.

UPDATE 9:55 a.m. PDT:

One of the men arrested Wednesday was part of a Second Amendment rally at the Michigan state capitol. Also, these men sought to obtain the home addresses of police officers and kill them. Shades of The Watchmen. Take two minutes and listen to this summation by NBC investigative reporter Tom Winter.



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    • Mae, if you feel you are to blame, turn yourself in or leave. You feelin guilty about something? America is a Country not a person. People commit crimes, not countries. Yes, China is responsible for crimes, but not all of their people are evil. In this country, you are innocent before proven guilty. What an ignorant comment. So how are ALL WHITE PEOPLE ROTTEN OR TO BLAME for being rotten and racist? Do you really believe all this drivel? If that were true, you would be witnessing ALL of America burning. Why is this only happening in BLUE States? If you live in the U.S., and feel this, then you should leave. You can’t seriously be an educated person and make a stupid generalized statement like this and believe it? Either that or you are a Troll. I think the latter. It is unfathomable to me that any educated American of any color, could make such a Racist statement. Remember, racism is not colorblind. So it can turn it’s ugly head in any direction of Race. Which is what you are doing. I am sure you would never say this to real white people in the flesh. Anyone who believes that all whites are racists, are inciting racism as well. Oh, sorry. If you don’t understand that then maybe you should look up the word “racism”. You just made a comment that embodies it. There are millions of people of all colors who work hard for a living here in the U.S. and live and let live. If you feel this way, leave. Otherwise, stop lumping all rotten, violent people into the WHITE PEOPLE category and blaming WHITE PEOPLE you don’t even know. America is not rotten. It is the people who think like you who are. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!

      • I’m having problems banning you right now, but I will get through the technical aspects of it. In the meantime, if you have any class, go away. Do not post here again. I will make it impossible for you to do so ASAP. You are not wanted.

    • Um, let’s not forget there ARE some black people who hover in the Trump orbit.

      Like that Attorney General in Kentucky (Daniel Cameron) who got his poor feelings hurt when rapper Megan Thee Stallion attacked him (by saying he’s “no different than the sellout negroes that sold our people into slavery” during an SNL performance) because he chose NOT to pursue any charges against the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor and essentially blamed the victim for letting her boyfriend shoot at home-invading cops.

    • How many of these little cells of RWNJ’s and lone wolves are out there, spurned on by tRump’s hateful incessant blathering?

    • I think it will e dramatically better after November 3. These people are like most bullies — weak, scared and cowardly deep down. Once they don’t have their protector in the White House, they’ll be too afraid to be such big dick swingers.

      • There is no connection to Trump and this so called “right winged ” group. And again, Gretchen is just as wrong about Trump NOT denouncing hate groups on both sides. Stand back and stand down is a military term, not a call to arms! But, as usual, it is too convenient and easy for the democrats to blame him for everything. There are crazies on both sides, including BLM and ANTIFA. They are definitely not conservatives. So how do you rectify the violence in the streets for BLM and ANTIFA?

        • Peddle your reality distortions somewhere else, cultist. And pray for the strength to withstand the world that is coming. You’re going to hate every second of living in it…I guarantee it.

        • You always have the option to email me privately and discuss anything you want to discuss. I will be as fair an arbiter as possible. Do consider that option. I can’t be looking all directions simultaneously plus write, plus live the rest of my life. So if there’s an issue on the blog, please let me know.

    • Spread ur ignorance amongst ur own. They also think Nazis are “very fine people”, those same fine folks murdered 5 people in broad daylight in Greensboro NC on nov. 3, 1979. Trump is ur boy & u know it.

      • This is not just a forum or area for responses on the left. Anyone can comment. you speak of ignorance. Trump never said “Nazis are fine people”. He said he did not condone the hate groups and that there were very fine people here as well that had nothing to do with the hate groups. Right and left. If you are going to quote the president, check your facts. Get your facts straight. Conservatives are fighting for the Country and all it’s people. Not just Blacks or whites.

        • Conservatives are fighting for themselves and what they can steal, same as when I was a kid. Get used to being marginalized, troll. It ain’t your world no more.

        • We don’t tolerate stupidity and malice here. Trmp has been supporting white nationalists for decades. He’s a racist as well as a misogynist.

        • So Samantha, are you a “conservative?” You may find the going rough here. I encourage factual debate. That said, if you’re here to undermine the Democrats, that’s another issue altogether. You’re obviously creating controversy here. Where do you stand? Who are these “conservatives?” Are we talking National Review or what, exactly?

    • I don’t know what planet you’ve been living on, but here in Trump world, the maniac in chief politicizes everything that happens and warps it to his needs. He made a folk hero out of Kyle Rittenhouse, whose mommy drove him across state lines and then he shot innocent people. Or do you have some other version of the facts?

      • What rhetoric drove this? His out and out denouncing of all Hate groups? HOw many times does he have to say this? 10, 20, 30 ? when will be enough? This story just came out today. It is comments like these that incite more hate and violence, and they are not even based on fact.

      • “There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. (John Heywood, AD 1546),
        There’s no point trying to reason with someone who does not want to listen to reason.

    • Hey Realman, I think you are wasting your time trying to reason with people who want to blame all conservatives for everything. It is scary to read some of these posts. And easy for them to misquote everything Pres. Trump says in these rants.

      • So, DIRECTLY quoting Trump’s words are a way to “misquote” him? Right.

        I believe YOU deliberately misquoted him in another one of your silly comments (saying he said “stand back” when his actual quote–verifiable by EVERY recording–was “stand by”) but I guess that’s fine and dandy when defending a serial liar.

  1. These people, Pence all do the same thing. They call people they disagree with tyrants. The things Pence accused Biden and Harris of, are things the current administration are guilty of. Like changing the country into something we won’t recognize.

  2. Sloppy…inexcusably sloppy. If this bunch embodies the average IQ of the Trump-following militias, they’re done before they even got started.

      • Ur right, nothing is that simple. At some point a person owns it & learns. The other path is darkness, the worst kind. Somehow having a heart willing to love is too hard. We only suffer over those things we care about. They’ve either decided hate is their path, or they have been raised in a culture of pathological victimhood, projection, ignorance, & fear.

  3. I wonder what those police officers are thinking now, after we saw police around the country rioting, beating & arresting racial justice protestors, but treating armed right-wing “open up” protestors with kid gloves? And Trump did nothing but encourage these people. This is all on him.

    • Racial justice protestors? Do you mean violent rioters? So do you think burning, stealing private property, trashing and completely leveling innocent people’s business’s, toppling statues, trashing streets and police cars, and innocent people’s cars just driving thru is ” racial justice protesting”? Are you that blind as to ignore the amount of damage and violence and horror that is taking place during all of these so called “protests? Yet the police should wait until they say “pretty please stop’?
      And then wait to be shot, before they “do their job”? How are the police treating armed right-wing “open up” protestors? And is this a new made up term now? Everyone has the right to “bear arms” in this country. Did you even study the constitution? It is the 2nd amendment. If you don’t want to have this right, don’t buy one. Or move to Australia, or England or any of the Countries who don’t allow this right, except under certain circumstances. Again, we have due process of the law, whether you like it or not. LEt me correct you. Police do not “riot”. They stop rioters, not protestors. Which most “protestors” you speak of recently were “rioters”. Get your definitions straight.

      • so many of those violent protesters were white males looking for fights…and none of them were associated with BLM. More like the white supremacists you’re praising.
        And a LOT of the violence was started by COPS.

  4. Even with these terrorist THUGS behind bars she will never be safe in that vacation home again. Neither will anyone else which means she’ll take a significant financial loss on the property. That really sucks. Oh, she could sue Trump knowing she will never collect a cent but force him into discovery but she’s already in danger and doing so might inspire currently fearful or discouraged pals of those who’ve been arrested to try and finish what they started. Like I said, the situation sucks.

  5. I hope whomever is responsible for any threats insited agains this senator are prosecuted. And I also hope the American people can stop insiting more violence and hate by blaming Pres. Trump. Trump is not to blame. The only ones to blame are the ones who made the threats. This SEnator is obviously trying to sway blame towards him. Very childish.

    • And I enjoy tormenting them with omens of doom. They’re finished and they know it. Thus I remind them of such. It’s not nice but neither are they. I feel as much guilt over roasting them as a lion does in bringing down an antelope that has run out of wind.


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