Get some popcorn and brewskies and settle in for a showing of AGOPalypse Now.

That was then but this is now and Linseed just loves Teddums.

How these guys get elected is simply beyond me.

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  1. What a contemptible bunch of cretins. I don’t recall that they bothered to go to the border when tRump was kidnapping children from their parents, but now all of a sudden there’s a ‘crisis’? Morons.

    BTW, I haven’t been receiving emails about the newsletter for about 3-4 days now. I sent an email to the webmaster, but nothing’s changed so far.

  2. Is it me, or has Ted Cruz been planning his entire life to transform into a flabby, greasy-haired bearded cammo-wearing banana republic dictator cosplayer? He’s like right out of an episode of The West Wing, playing some fictional Central American nation’s coup leader.


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