I always thought that the uber ultimate irony of the Trump administration (four years of daily irony mixed with perversity) was when Melania Trump cobbled together #BeBest, both as a hashtag and as her platform as First Lady. She was anti-bullying, on social media and in life generally we were told. The fact that she was married to one of the biggest and most vociferous bullies on the planet somehow didn’t seem to occur to her at the time. Or, who knows? It was speculated that some aide who didn’t have great respect for Melania’s intelligence in the first place dreamt up the slogan and sold her on it, with precisely this kind of a backfire anticipated for some future time.

In any event, #BeBest went nowhere. It was a matter of a short lived ballyho followed by an immediate flop. Melania did nothing when in the White House other than destroy Jackie Kennedy’s beloved Rose Garden and make a mockery out of “fuckeeeng Creeesmuss decorations.” “But I have to do it, right?” she whined. And that tells you who she is right there. I have personally never known a man or woman of normal mind who didn’t want to celebrate the joy of Xmas and get into the spirit. The only exceptions were people who had experienced tragedy at Xmas, that sort of thing. which is understandable. In any event, Melania was not an example of #BeBest when she was caught making the remark. So here’s Uncle Joe appropriating the tag mischievously, and unsheathing his claws and fangs and morphing into Dark Brandon mode. I.love.it. when he does this.

What’s comical is that if you go over to this thread, the MAGAs are howling in pain. They’re berating Biden for doing a fraction of what their beloved Mango Messiah does every day of his life. Biden is striking back in real time and being witty here, but to read the MAGAs react, this is the most horrible transgression that has just been committed since Hitler started sending people to the camps.

Sorry MAGAts. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Turnabout is fairplay and all’s fair in love and war. And today, Trumpty Dumpty lost bigly. He’s either at Bedminster or back at Mar-a-Lago sulking and wondering who he’s going to devote his next 34-post (or more) meltdown to, because it sure as hell can’t be E. Jean Carroll. I think that lesson has been drilled into his tiny brain. Finally.

As to Melania, granted, she’s in mourning. But let’s see if she ever comes out on the campaign trail. Let’s see if she’s doing a Casey DeSantis by Super Tuesday. Or, better yet, let’s see if she accompanies hubby to the GOP convention in July. This will be interesting to watch.

If she’s got a lick of street smarts, Melania must sense the sea change in the country. Trump is seriously falling on his face, day after day. And Trump’s legal woes are out of this world.

And also granted, Melania never signed up for this to begin with. She didn’t sign up to be a politico’s wife, she signed up to be an arm trophy and eye candy to be paraded around on display from time to time. She certainly didn’t anticipate the fishbowl of the White House — much less all that has happened since the Trumps left the White House. And I’m dead certain she never expected to wind up in comparisons to Eva Braun, Hitler’s wife.

Bottom line, I think Melania, if she participates at all, will be seen about as much as Greta Garbo this year. And I can’t say I blame her.

Another thought to be considered: she and her mother may have been close and if they were, it’s entirely possible that her mother coached her through the difficulties of her marriage. Many women have a mother or a sister, aunt, whomever, who perform that task for them, kind of their resident shrink. If that is the case, and Melania doesn’t have somebody to bounce all of this Trump madness off of, and counsel her on how best to cope, then I truly do feel sorry for her.

Although, at the end of the day, she of all people should realize that Everything Trump Touches Dies.

And oh, um, while we’re here, I wonder what Melania thinks of the $83.3 million verdict — and the $372 million judgment which might be assessed by Judge Arthur Engoron next week? Just wondering……

I doubt if there’s going to be a lot of joy around the pool at Mar-a-Lago this weekend. Just a hunch.


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  1. One can’t help but wonder what Malaria will do when the ponzi pyramid collapses and she realizes the money is all gone……because it never existed to begin with.


    *sips chardonnay and munches popcorn*


    • Love this article! I wonder though how much of that 83 and 372 million will be covered by the the republican party and trumps maga supporters?

      • The best thing tramp ever did for the country in his 4 year crime spree was to send the leaders of both of his terrorist groups to prison along with a thousand of their members.
        His calls to fight for him are now falling on deaf ears. The toothless deplorable idiots aren’t going to give up their freedom for him knowing what it will cost them.

  2. It’s my understanding “Melanie” is going to take her mom’s body back to Slovenia for burial. One assumes Barron will accompany her. Even before this I wondered (when I heard about the burial plans) if she’d come back, at least for a long time as in AFTER the election. I’ve even thought she might be pissed enough (she sure seemed that way after the service for moms) to pull the trigger on her out clause in the pre-nup. Take whatever money and properties she gets if she walks now before the election and be done with Trump.

    Seeing the amount of today’s judgement and knowing it will be much worse from judge Engoron next week I doubt she sleeps much tonight. Nope, she’s probably racking up some huge legal bills consulting with lawyers SHE chose to cash out and cash out now while there are still liquid assets to cover what she’d owed via the prenup. She’s already gotten away with her greed pushing her luck. Knowing Trump’s skill at legal delays in principle he’ll try to hold up paying her off even if served the papers tomorrow. Somehow delay things until he’s had to put up the combination of cash and bond (and If can find someone to put up the bond he’ll have to pay extra for THAT) that would leave her high and dry.

    I won’t cry over Barron either. Lots of young men his age start out life with a LOT less than he’ll have to start with if mom blew her chance at an easy ten to twenty million bucks and the deed to a condo or two.

    One last thing. You Christmas comment hit home for me. As folks who follow me know my mom died on Christmas day (in the early afternoon) 1975. But she LOVED Christmas and fought like hell to survive to make just one last Christmas. Yes, we cried our eyes out and somehow made it back to the house despite that huge snowfall that started in the morning. And just as she would have wanted we exchanged our presents. Because of her, because she believe in the spirit of the season, the hope it represents even though I’ve long been agnostic I celebrate Christmas. I do my best to make it special, just like my mom would have wanted me to do.

    So Melania can kiss my ass! Then take one of her used tampon looking “fooking Chrees-mus trees and shove it up where the sun don’t shine. Sidways!

  3. There was some discussion on MSNBC last night about what Trump’s donors can pay for, if they still even want to. More research is being done, but seems to be that while donations can pay legal defense costs, judgments must come from Trump’s own “deep” pockets. And, Judge Judy used to say the same thing…just as we don’t let rich people pay someone to do their jail time, ya gotta pony up your own judgments! (paraphrasing of course)!

  4. Denis…sorry to hear about your mom. Mine died 3 years ago Thanksgiving. People asked me if I were perpetually sad that time of year. I always reply…hell no…my mother had a full life and she didn’t raise me to be a sad man…she raised me to ALWAYS count my blessings no matter what. I don’t really know you, but from what I see here, I’m sure your mother was proud of her son.
    Natasha…follow the advice from the song: “take the money and run”.

  5. One thing that surprises me is the magats howling in pain–I’m, surprised they even understood President Biden’s snark you know, what with their lack of functioning grey matter between their ears.

  6. Dennis Elliott, I could be wrong, but I’m doubting that Melaria would even accept a 10 to 20 million $ settlement. Pretty sure she’d scoff at that, wanting significantly more, depending on what her pre -nup says. She’s been privy to lots, then she has her son to think of also, in case the other kids want to eat him up, which wouldn’t surprise me. He & Marla’s daughter wouldn’t be their choices to get as much as they would.

    • Not being a rich guy myself, and with the handle I’ve known and been friendly with not being assholes I wouldn’t know for sure. However, somewhere many years ago (and nothing to do with Trump) I got an understanding that in the world of prenups and esepcially trophy wives at the time of their first one Trump and Melania would have likely had something in the range of ten million and a very nice NYC condo (no doubt in a Trump bldg.) and maybe a beach “cottage” out in the Hamptons or some other tony place if she stayed around x number of years. Probably one kid – again so Trump (or any rich asshole) could nudge their buddies and point to the kid to prove they really did get to “tap” their arm candy. Most of these guys want to trade in one trophy for a new one after five or six years, certainly no more than ten. Play around for a year or two and not have to maintain pretenses – just openly fuck around. Then find a younger trophy wife. Like serial killers they tend to have a “type” – age, looks etc.

      Melania put in her time and when they were approaching ten years of her servitude was when Trump got serious about maybe running for President. Being recently divorced he knew simply wouldn’t fly and he convinced her (probably with a “bonus” added to her prenup payout to stick around for the campaign. Remember the (credible) stories about her spending election night crying her eyes out? She knew she was stuck with Trump for another four years! She was probably looking forward to a quiet life in her condo in NYC and being able to “be with” some guy her own age who was better looking and a lot nicer to her than Trump. HER turn to be in charge. Have herself a toy boy or a succession of them.

      I’m sure a new deal was reached. There are reports to that effect. In fact it appears the prenup has been renegotiated/updated more than once. I’m sure she made sure to get some more money out of him but I’d be willing to bet she also negotiated not having to fuck him anymore and, as long as he was discreet not giving him any shit over having mistresses. And HE would pay a financial penalty if news like Story Daniels or Karen McDougal broke so he’s gone out of his way to keep any dalliances quiet. I’ve often wondered how much it’s cost him not just to get laid but to ensure his human sex dolls kept their mouths shut!

      So, I go back to my original premise that Melania might have let greed overwhelm her common sense. After a year or so she could have walked and given Trump plenty of time to deal with any “fallout” from getting divorced. And time to sign on a new trophy wife for this year’s campaign and beyond. And that becomes the interesting question. Is there a clause that if she stuck around to a certain point then she COULDN’T exercise her “out” option until after November? Let’s face it, given all his other troubles and how little we’ve seen of her for a lot of months now she clearly had negotiated a limited amount of public appearances with him. That already looks bad. Her dumping his fat ass would diminish him in the eyes of his MAGAs, especially the men. Trump would have made sure to avoid that.

      If “Melanie” is fed up enough to want to leave but will take millions in financial penalties for doing so before November then I have zero sympathy over her being caught in “the big squeeze.” Her greed has put her there. But to get back to your original point I agree ten million wouldn’t cut it and that would have been the case for quite a few years now. However, 20 million or so AND at least two homes to live in where all she’d have to cover is taxes and utilities is another matter. Along with an education fund for Barron and a small, say five million trust fund for him he could control after graduating college.

  7. Actually, if Melanoma is smart she will bail before he loses his appeals to.overturn the Carroll payout. Granted some of his cash will be tied up untik.rat hapoens, but if she bails soon she might get a couple of his properties plus some cash. She might not get either is she waits until after Novemver and/,or appeals plus criminal trials. She should get while the getting is good

    • The key being is mellie smart. I’ve yet to see any sign of intelligence from the lady. We’ll know if she has anything upstairs if she starts getting hers before it’s all gone. And I seriously think he is going to lose almost all of it. He has gotten by using loans, selling to foreign criminals (info, real estate, etc.), and by looking desperate enough for some t.v. folks to feature him in a “reality” show up until now. That is, maybe already has, going to cease in short order. Anyone who thinks the banks aren’t watching this very closely, especially foreign banks since U.S. ones stopped loaning to him years ago, is very silly. If mellie has the sense given to a goose, she’ll realize this and get hers now. If she is as stupid as I think she is, she will depend on the almighty pre-nup to feather her nest. Well, pre-nups aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on if nothing is left to the ex. Funny how that works. She might get a portion of Dingleberry’s prez pension but even that is uncertain.

      Dingleberry has a rep of not allowing his wives much of anything (i.e. jewelry, etc.) so I cannot imagine she has any money other than that which she has earned and how much that would be I’ve no idea. She might be counting on some memoir after the sh*t hits the fan but it seems like every new memoir, tell-all, whatever from someone who was connected to him sells less than the last. Not sure there’s as much interest as she might think there is.

      So, yeah, she’d better get hers now.


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