There’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip. And loose lips sink ships. And Trump family members should never speak extemporaneously or shoot from the hip because they mess it up every time. In just the past day Eric Trump, purportedly the dumber of the two older brothers, has embarrassed himself more than usual.

He did his first flaming gaffe last night when he was complaining about the purportedly criminal doings of the Biden family. So he attempted to analogize between how the Bidens get away with bloody murder whereas the Trump family, given the same circumstances, would be ascending the gallows to be hung right about now. And Eric got so carried away with his tale that he neglected to realize that his step-brother is considerably older than Eric thinks he is.

Eric obviously has no relationship with his kid step-brother or step kid-brother or whatever the two of them are supposed to be. If he thought Barron was 16, well, okay, he’s 17, but I suppose you could make a mistake like that, right? But no, 15 is a kid getting into high school, 18, which Barron will be in 90-some days, is a young man, both legally and in the eyes of the world. An 18-year-old is somebody who goes to college, somebody who can get married, sign a contract, all sorts of things. And Eric obviously has no day to day contact with Barron or something major like that would not have slipped his mind,

Very probably the only reason that Eric brought up Barron at all is because some PR person thought it would be a great idea for the brothers to sound like they were a cohesive group, all had each others backs and all were behind Dad. Right. If you believe that, go talk to Chris Christie about a bridge.

And then of course there was another gaffe. The sun rose again, so naturally it was time for another gaffe. Here’s the manly man talking about the manly military and ho boy, did that one go south and fast.

Hey, this is what manly men do when they’re not talking to their buddies in the military and pouring concrete all day, okay? Eric is just a blue collar kinda guy, Daddy put him out there on the construction site as a youngster, hoping that a beam would crush him to learn the business, doncha know?

While you’re here, take a walk down memory lane to when Trump lost in 2020. You’ll remember most of these images, but a few will be new. (Psst…I like the one of John McCain returning from the dead to dance in the streets when Trump was defeated.)

I look forward to whatever will be the next disposition of Trump but so far he’s got more incarnations than Dracula or Richard Nixon combined. What can we expect one year from now?

  1. Trump will have been soundly defeated at the polls and fundraising for 2028?
  2. Trump will have been convicted and sentenced and will have a case(s) up on appeal?
  3. Trump will be serving one or more sentences?
  4. Space aliens will land on the White House lawn?

Mad Magazine is out of business, but who cares? We see stranger headlines than they ever wrote on the pages of the New York Times and Washington Post.

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  1. eric’s military (army) buddies tours of duty:

    woke causes: funeral detail, police call, CQ, saluting the flag, inspections, Family day
    combat training: cleaning rifles, PMCS, NBC training, rifle range, field exercises.

    none of which eric will do.

  2. “Very probably the only reason that Eric brought up Barron at all is because some PR person thought it would be a great idea for the brothers to sound like they were a cohesive group, all had each others backs and all were behind Dad.”

    Well, the better idea would’ve been to have the brothers actually appear together to present the façade of “a cohesive group” who “all had each others’ backs and all were behind Dad.” What this gives off is the mere appearance of one jackass presuming to speak for the group. And when you’re facing potential criminal charges, that’s the LAST thing that “the group” would ever want.

    “Mad Magazine is out of business, but who cares?”

    On this point, not quite accurate. The magazine *IS* still being published but it’s just not being distributed on newsstands any longer. It’s still available through comics shops and via subscription service and, although there is still some original material published (mainly the covers and the “fold-ins” but some new stories), most of the current publication consists of reprints.

    On the issue of Barron, do you ever wonder if he goes to Melania and asks, “Mom, who’s that orange guy with the comb over? He’s really creepy, you know?”



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