This absolutely did not happen.

First, 75% of America couldn’t pick Eric and Lara out of a line up.

Half of the remaining would more likely hawk loogies into his blackened chicken pasta than pay for it, and the chances of two people offering to treat a billionaire’s kid showing up at the same Outback are about a trillion to one.

But, do go on Eric…

We can only hope, Papi.


Man, I gotta bookmark this 👇👇👇



Dead giveaway.





All evidence points to it, C.

Is the the deplorable who picked up their check?

No, no I don’t.


Ding, ding, ding, we have our closer, folks:

Thanks and a hat-tip to Ron and his crew!

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  1. According to Wiki, Eric got his education at Trinity School in New York, then got his high school education at the Hill School in Pottstown, PA before attending Georgetown University.

    And he goes on Fox “News” and actually says that someone offered to buy “Lara and I” dinner.

    I think all three schools need to refund every last dollar that was spent on Eric’s “education.” (It should’ve been “Lara and me” since the couple were the “object” of the offer. In the phrase, “trying to buy ___ dinner,” would you use “I” or “me?” Would you use “we” or “us” in the same phrase? It’s really NOT that difficult and it really rankles me when screen writers screw up something so simple. I get the confusion between “I” and “me” in something like “It’s ___”; while “I” is grammatically correct, most people use “me” in common speech. But any other circumstance? No. It seems like a case of over-correction but, whatever the reason, it needs to stop. End rant.)



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