Oh, my. Politics is a fickle business. You thought Hollywood was a fickle business? Wait until you get into politics, particularly if you cross paths and/or swords with that dashing dodger of legal dictates and divestitures, Donald Trump. One close encounter with him and you better count your fingers and toes to see if they’re all there. Elise Stefanik has gone out of her way in recent months to destroy any credibility that she once had in order to serve Trump and become his vice presidential candidate. She has done that with visions of Dick Cheney dancing like sugarplums in her head. Elise wants power, lots of it, and she wants it now. That’s why this is going to drive her insane when she sees it.

DeSantis is on the shortlist for VP? Okay. That would be an interesting choice indeed. I’ll tell you why: I don’t know offhand of any vice presidents that have openly plotted (or even secretly wished for) the death of the sitting president so that they could take over, but I believe you would have that scenario in this instance. John Nance Garner was FDR’s vice president from 1933 to 1941 and he famously compared the job of the vice president to “a bucket of warm piss.” With a Trump DeSantis team, the job would be a bucket of Machiavelli’s warm piss. I don’t even want to think about that pair in power. I don’t see it happening. If it does happen, Trump better get a food taster.

Tulsi Gabbard is rumored to be on Putin’s payroll, so that would be convenient for all parties. A disaster for the United States but convenient for Trump and Putin. Gabbard would take her marching orders directly from Moscow and Trump would watch TV. That would be interesting. I don’t see that happening either.

Forget Vivek. He’s too Trumpian to be on the ticket in second place to Trump. That simply will not happen.

As to Kristi Noem, meh. Possibly. Don’t rule it out, keep it in mind.

Byron Daniels is a wash. But Tim Scott is a distinct possibility. I’ll tell you why. Trump has a belief that Scott could bring him “the Black vote.” I don’t think Scott could bring him black coffee, let alone the Black vote, but hey, Trump seems to have this idea. Trump has it strongly enough to where he got angry at Charlie Kirk the other day for making his stupid, racist cracks about Black pilots, because he was afraid that would alienate the Black vote.

Why is Elise Stefanik not on this list? Ask Laura Ingraham or better yet, ask the Murdochs. They would know. And let’s be clear: just because she’s not on Laura Ingraham’s list doesn’t mean she won’t get the job. I’m not saying Trump won’t pick her. He very well might. But it is intriguing that she’s not on this list of Ingraham’s. There’s some story behind that, I’ll warrant. I hope that we find out what it is.

I think that Tim Scott is a possibility, for reasons explained, and Kristi Noem may be chosen as well. If Trump would choose Noem, it would be for window dressing. She’s non threatening, she could make him look good, a female on the ticket is politically correct, all that. So there is a possibility of that happening.

On the other hand, Tim Scott could quell the racist image of Trump, at least in his mind. I don’t see Scott delivering the Black vote. I think Scott’s Stepin’ Fetchit Oreo routine is as obvious to Blacks as it is to anybody who’s awake. Scott doesn’t have some huge Black following. On the other hand, he is from the south and Black, so that’s quite possibly better than a white woman from one of the Dakotas.

Now Elise Stefanik actually would be a pretty decent choice because at least she’s smarter than any of these other candidates and has been in politics long enough to know the lay of the land. But maybe being from New York is going against her right now. Maybe not being beautiful is going against her. She cannot be accused of not having kissed ass sufficiently, she has done that in abundance. She has fully boarded the election denying train, which is the straight route to Trump’s heart. And she’s even trashed Mike Pence for certifying the 2020 election.

But somehow she missed the Fox News short list. This was not by accident. And Trump did not go out of his way to say to Ingraham, “Well, Laura, there are a few other fine candidates, Elise Stefanik and Nancy Mace, to name just a few.” For that matter he could have mentioned Tucker Carlson. That would have brought down the house. If anybody is out there in the weeks with Vivek Ramaswamy, it’s Mother Tucker, make no mistake.

So who will Trump pick. Who? Who? Ask one of the owls. Or ask The Shadow. Maybe he knows. But the rest of us will know soon enough, maybe as soon as the first week of March.

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  1. Poor Elise…. she sold her sold to the DEVIL for nothing. She should have known that DON THE CON wouldn’t pick someone from New York as his VP, especially someone as homely as she.

    • You could be right. Or, he might pick her after all. What we know here, and what the story is about, is that Fox News didn’t have her on the list. Fox News didn’t have Nancy Mace on the list and she’s also been angling for it. But Stefanik has a better chance than Mace. But as you say, maybe being from New York and not being gorgeous is to her detriment. Hard to say.

    • Elise is also not pretty. Trump’s sole requirement for any woman he is hiring is good looka. Elise is a 5. A female Veep choice would have to be an 8 at the least. Think Cannon and Habba.

  2. I agree. There’s a story there and we might one day find out what it is. Here’s a possibility which might be based on my not knowing NY state in much detail. Yes, it can be counted on to go blue in November but there are large parts of the state where Republicans do fine. If I’m not mistaken Stefanik represents a district that leans Republican but isn’t a true “lock” for the GOP. Her main selling point that got her into leadership in the first place and the onetime “rising star” status was being just that kind of Republican. Someone solidly conservative who had just enough crossover appeal to keep a lean Republican district solidly in the GOP column.

    Now? Maybe internal GOP polling shows she’s vulnerable if Democrats put up a good candidate. If that’s the case, if she really is going to have to work to keep her seat then the Trump campaign people can probably dissuade him from picking her. It would be embarrassing as hell even if he won only to have her lose re-election. And is she really willing to forgo running just to be his VP? That’s a decision she’d have to make soon or risk the seat flipping and the GOP already has plenty of problems when it comes to retaining control of the House. Even hedging during discussions with Trump and his inner campaign circle could be enough to have knocked her out of consideration.

    I doubt Fox is plugged all the way in with Team Trump these days, but they have the means to do their own polling and if I’m right they can see if what I’ve suggested about Stefanik perhaps being vulnerable. And they also might have some insight on whether she’s willing to forgo re-election and right now in order to be Trump’s VP pick. That would be quite a roll of the dice for her.

    • “If I’m not mistaken Stefanik represents a district that leans Republican but isn’t a true “lock” for the GOP.”

      According to the Wiki article on NY-21 (Stefanik’s district), it doesn’t really “lean” Republican; it’s R+8. Also, she outperformed Trump in 2016 and 2020 (in 2016, she got 65% compared with Trump’s 54%; in 2020, she got 59% compared to Trump’s 54%). Among all of New York’s US House districts, the 21st is the 3rd most “R” (behind only the 23rd and 24th, at +12 and +11, respectively; NY-11 comes in 4th at +6 and NY-1 and NY-2 tie for 5th at +3). The state currently has 10 GOP House members: The 6 representing the R-leaning districts; 1 who represents the only “Even” district (the 19th); and 3 from D-leaning districts (4th, 17th and 22nd; their PVI ratings are, respectively, +5, +3 and +1). There is currently 1 vacant seat (Democrat Brian Higgins resigned to take over “as president of Shea’s Performing Arts Center in Buffalo”–that’s taken from a recent interview given by Higgins).

  3. What? Satan isn’t offering one of his lieutenants? Oh wait…they’re all minions of evil darkness and the master is happy as the truth isn’t in any of them.


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