There are occasional jewels that one runs across on Twitter and this one of them. Watching it made my blood boil. These people have the legal right to vote just like you and I do. And they don’t know the first thing about basic American history. This is horrific, that there are adult people walking around who know absolutely nothing of the country in which they live.

This is MAGA concentrate. If you put water in it, you can make stupid juice and put it in the empty pitcher, next to the Trump kool-aide pitcher. These are the root MAGAs right here, the morons from which this cult sprang. I remember the RNC saying that Donald Trump “brought people into our tent who had never been here before.” Oh, yes. A lot of these people had never voted. Until there was a freak running for president, with the media normalizing him, and then they all came to life. Behold.

A lot of adults in this country simply don’t know the rock bottom basics. Back in 2016 I explained the basics of government to a 61-year-old woman. She didn’t know that there were 100 senators. She said, “I thought there were about 150.” I didn’t mock her because I sincerely wanted her to learn. She also didn’t know that there were 435 reps in the House.

And also that year I explained to a 20-yea-old the basics of government, the legislative, executive and judicial branches. He had never heard of the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority and Minority leaders. Or who they were. So I told him who Mitch McConnell was and who Nancy Pelosi was. And I didn’t mock him, either. I wanted him to learn.

But neither of these two individuals were so stupid that they didn’t know that the Civil War was about the right to own slaves. It will come as no shock to you that neither of these individuals, the 20-year-old nor the 61-year-old were able to make much of a living. There is a correlation between people who get basic skills early on and learn how to do something in this world to provide for themselves and a basic grasp of what has happened in the past and is happening now.

Both these individuals watched television for their information, primarily, and the young man had a father who was a conspiracy theorist. That complicated matters. His understanding of history was hamstrung by the fact that his father was a flat-earther who believed that the moon landing was faked and that the holocaust never happened. This young man encouraged me to watch a documentary, The Great Global Warning Swindle, to get some “new ideas.” I said, “There are no new ideas. The stuff in that documentary was refuted by Cambridge University and other places.” This young man also said to me once, “I’m not going to vote this year and I never will. It doesn’t matter.” I pretty much gave up at that point.

We deal with an uphill battle here, friends. I can only hope that the sanity which the electorate displayed in 2020 will be repeated. And that Trump is driven off the political stage with his tail between his legs, so that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth.



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  1. like a child asked how much they think a candy bar costs.
    responding with “I think a candy bar costs $100!”

    was talking to some people who voted for doody head prior to ’16.
    somehow they were misinformed about the FBI org under the Executive branch.
    They didn’t know it fell under DOJ. They really were taken back when I informed them
    that the Secret Service fell under the Treasury then moved to the new DHS after 9/11..

    and that’s like just the tip of the iceberder.

  2. A good argument for a core competency test to qualify voters. We don’t let people drive until they pass one, and voting is arguably much more important.

  3. What’s really disturbing is that a few of those people in the clip are old enough to have had the benefit of a better education. I almost expect that blank stare from someone in their 40’s or younger but not from those of us educated before the republicans began their systematic efforts to dumb the populace down. They’ve clearly succeeded.

  4. That also explains how these morons bought the Apprentice as ‘reality’…not an edited TV show that turned a trust fund spoiled toddler, who never grew up and lost north of 300 million dollars, into a self made billionaire. The educated people who know better should start confronting the ignorance and scream truths at every turn. Either become warriors in this war or accept you’ll be turned into subjugated peasants run by the stupid and the vile. FACT. I would have asked the guy who said George Floyd was fake…how can you stand there and tell me, as if it’s a fact, he didn’t have his knee on his neck, when you didn’t see the video. Let’s watch the video and then tell me what you see. Do you trust your eyes? Is the sun shining or are we standing in the dark? Phuck the fact you won’t turn cult members around…I’m not going to let them live in a comfort zone of fabricated bullshit. Time to be ‘Catchers in the Rye’, another banned book. Damn the torpedoes!!! This is a war of truth versus lies!

    • The people who created that p.o.s. show went looking for someone who A) had name recognition as some sort of businessperson and B) needed the money: anyone see the problem here? They walked into trump tower and saw just how shabby everything looked and said “here’s our guy”. I would suppose they also did some research, likely read some news stories over the years, and saw that as a businessperson, trump was going to need money badly. Thing is though, had they actually gotten a real businessperson, a halfway successful one, the show might have been something actually worth watching. An actual show about learning business tactics from someone who actually, successfully, ran a business. Of course “reality” t.v. is anything but so maybe it wouldn’t have made much difference.

      I still remember a former supervisor I had who said, after I mentioned I’d feel a WHOLE LOT BETTER if we had someone competent in the w.h. during covid, “at least trump is a businessman”. How I did not scream with laughter in his face I will never know. My respect for him, such as it was, dropped to zero after that conversation.

  5. This story should be tied into the one with the hedge fund fool who doesn’t know why libraries do not put books that won’t be read on the shelves. Conservative, ‘pube, xitans are not in any way intelligent. They’re just not and quite frankly I’m tired of hearing people saying they are anything other than what they are: complete idiots. We do not need I.Q. tests, cognitive tests, any other test than to have them open their pie holes and bray. You want to know the real tragedy of COVID-19? It did not rid us of this segment of our society.

  6. I worked with a couple of women that had no idea who Stalin or Lenin were. They thought they might know who Hitler was. Sad but true. As to Iowa, I don’t understand how there can be more registered Democrats than Republicans and they still pump out the idiot Republicans in statewide elections.

    I worked with a guy that had lived in Iowa for a long time and he told me it stood for Idiots Out Walking Around. Of course down here in Mississippi the white people just fear blacks because they know how bad blacks have been treated. Fear of retribution and their firm belief in white supremacy is what determines their vote. They call Bennie Thompson and the Mayor of Jackson racist. Same sort of thing in Memphis and New Orleans.

    Educating the youth in Mississippi and the rest of the South on politics, civics and history is the only real answer for this large and complicated country.

  7. What’s REALLY disturbing is that you can pick out a country at random..let’s say Sri Lanka, Nepal, DRC or Indonesia…pick one on your own, and ask a random kid on the street in that country about how the US gov functions and discover they know FAR more than tantrumthinskin or any member of his cult. There IS A REASON that the people comprising MAGA cult are the same people constantly beingexpkoited by every charlatan & huckster out there from Joel Osteento Donald Trump.


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