I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting anything this bold to take place. Or, let me say it differently, I expected that this general line of what Joe Biden would call malarkey would be broadcast on Fox News, just not so blatantly. Laura Ingraham basically has spelled out the QAnon lesson on “How The Left Took Over One Night,” and she has it all down, play by play.

There’s only a couple of problems with this: First of all, this rhetoric is recognizable as being identical to Donald Trump’s back in 2020 when he was claiming that mail-in ballots were the ruination of the election, because he needed to say that so his other fantasy, the Red Mirage could come true. The Red Mirage, as you recall, was the theory that on Election Night when actual ballots were being counted, a Republican victory would be predicted. It was on that basis that Trump announced victory at 1:00 a.m., although many many thousands of ballots were yet to be counted in precincts nationwide. Watch Fox News shoot off the GOP’s foot.

None other than Kellyanne Conway went on Fox News after the 2022 election and said that Republicans need to start “banking votes.” I may go search down that clip later, but I remember it well. Ronna McDaniel was also saying that early mail-in voting was a good thing. It was sheer madness on Trump’s part to suggest that mail-in ballots weren’t a good thing.

Why is Fox News doing this? Because it is literally true that the Republicans need mail-in voting, need to have banked ballots so that they can get some candidates elected. And the mail-in ballots are the least of this lunacy. No, the worst part is the insinuation that it’s going to be some left-wing maneuvering which is going to produce another January 6 Insurrection. There is zero evidence of that, except in the swamp fevered, black helicopter rantings of QAnon.

This is about ginning up fear and anxiety. This is sheer propaganda. This next one is interesting and to be perfectly honest? I don’t know if it’s parody. We’re talking about a network that has gone bonkers over the persecution of Dr. Seuss, please bear that in mind.

Somehow I missed the hip-hip BBQ link to Maxine Waters, but the rest definitely sounds familiar.

There’s so much to unpack here, QAnon, civil war, riots, mail-in voting. Hard to connect the dots but people are trying.

What’s that you say? Isn’t all the civil unrest really done by FBI agents, who hold out vaping pens hoping that what you see is a badge? Well, yes. So we have heard.

Mark this down on your calendars, folks. Let’s see if MAGA starts a civil war so that it can all be blamed on Biden. Maybe the timing is the issue. Are all the MAGAs, pretending to be Democrats, Antifa, FBI, you name it, going to riot on Election Day, in which case the mail-in ballots have already gone out, or how is that going to work, exactly?

The only thing that is clear is that whoever writes this copy for Ingraham is getting desperate for views and clicks. I don’t even want to think about what’s coming up next. And remember, we’re still in the last 10 days of 2023. If this is a preview for the coming year, stock up on tranquilizers and plenty of booze, is my best suggestion.

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    • Of course there are real things to talk about, or news to report if you will. fux nuz has been avoiding such things for a long time and it has become a successful business model for them. Lying to stupid people is surprisingly lucrative.

      Actual/real news, facts, etc. are out there but you would be hard-pressed to hear it from fux.

    • It’s amazing the spin that Ingraham and Hannity still do after Carlson went belly up. I wasn’t expecting this, in all truth. I was expecting more of Dr. Suess outrage and that kind of idiocy but not this out and out QAnon embrace.

      Maybe there’s a method in their madness. Maybe they figure that another Capitol Riot will be good for ratings, maybe twice as many people can get killed this time. I totally believe in that level of cynicism these days. Roger Ailes used to sneak in the crazy under the radar. They don’t even bother anymore, they lede with the batshit crazy.

    • I’m sorry I can’t read your comment, but Google keep overlapping their ads over PZ content! 🙄
      (Been happening regularly for months probably.)

  1. Calm yourself folks. One must listen to blonde & blue “Aryan Queen” Ingraham talk about things in the original German (1930s dialect of course) and then she only seems crazy stupid instead of tinfoil hat batshit insane!



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