This is a priceless clip, what you’re about to see. This is the woman who wants to create Republican Camelot and be GOP Jackie, and the guy who wants to “slit throats on Day One.” This is the Couple From Hell right here. Ron is standing there, looking unhappy and Casey sounds like she might be on meth.

Has anybody noticed that they both show up in blue jeans that most of us wouldn’t be caught cleaning the toilet in? This is some concession, I’m sure, to working folks, some effort to be just one of the gang, but it just plays out as phony as hell and they just look tacky. But at least they’re not wearing identical go go boots today, only identical vests, so progress is being made.

I guess we’re going to see more of this. Casey is the “charismatic” one of the two, having been a local TV anchor in Florida, whereas we know that Ron is a social train wreck.

They are two of a kind, I’ll say that much. And I don’t recall Jack and Jackie Kennedy wearing matching outfits, do you?

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  1. Casey, go buy a book on punctuation and how to use it. Study the chapter on using a period at the end of a sentence. Then heed that advice. Don’t be a motor mouth.

  2. Your “… Has anybody noticed that they both show up in blue jeans that most of us wouldn’t be caught cleaning the toilet in? …” Yup! Dressed like Kmart Kardashians, whose use-by-date is rapidly approaching – they just can’t see it. As a pair they’re cringe, jarring, tasteless, soulless, hollow, deluded and self-promoting, for all the wrong reasons. They’re nothing but an unintelligent word salad – a fading, short-term bumper sticker experiment.

    • I think what this is a permutation of is the idea, “if Trump can get elected, anything is possible.” Let’s face it. If Trump had NOT gotten elected, I don’t think this pair would have taken it into their minds that a sojourn on Pennsylvania Avenue was something they were qualified for.

  3. I have been a Republican my entire 70 years and have never been as disappointed of anything as I am of the party since Trump was elected. Most of the party has become aTrump boot licker, full of lies and hate. All in the name to make this country a third world country and make themselves richer. It sucks and almost an embarrassment to call ourselves American.


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