A few things Mehmet Oz didn’t need this weekend: A third nostril, a hole in the head, Donald Trump on the same stage where he was condemned by association. Trump was the one who persuaded Oz to go over one state over and run for Senate. It hasn’t turned out like Oz thought it would.

“Easy,” Trump undoubtedly said. “You’ve been on TV forever. Piece of pie. Easy as cake.” Or something.

That has not been the case. The best that Oz can claim is that recent polls have shown him not as far behind as some of the earlier ones, but no poll is slating him to win. Does he think he might be the next Trump in that regard and pull off an electoral miracle? Who knows? But staying on Trump’s good side does not seem to be foremost in his mind.

Cue Beethoven’s Fifth or any other piece of dramatic, ominous music, because it is now curtains with Oz and Trump. We mean curtains, not blinds, not shades, no we’re talking here about the gigantic portieres on a Broadway stage. It is over, kaput, finis.

I would love to know Oz’s motivation for going south like this in the last eight weeks of the election.

I’m betting John Fetterman’s PR people, and/or Lincoln Project might have a view on it as well.

No blow up from Trump yet, at least not on Truth Social. Nope. He’s over there pitching how you can now advertise on Truth Social and he’s hoping you do, plus what an SOB Mitch McConnell is. He’s got a real hard on for Mitch today.

Stay tuned.


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  1. I have to think former guy hasn’t seen the footage of Oz yet. Had he done so I’m sure we’d be hearing all the whining that always accompanies trump’s responses to the truth. About the 2020 election and everything else.

  2. It’s a Hail Mary. The only question is whether it will work. Voters, especially working class GOP voters are easily suckered, but if Trump goes apeshit and starts blasting Oz then any benefits he might have gotten from only partially insane conservatives and of course Independents will be more than cancelled out by the fury of the MAGAs.

    “Doktor” Oz, since he is an actual MD appears to have had some sleazy, unethical success attacking Fetterman for his health issues. However, I wonder if Fetterman has been setting Oz up for a while now. Without being out and about much Fetterman built a decent lead. He’s paid attention to his doctors (or probably more accurately his wife made damned sure he did!) and rehabbed well. I saw the two of them on TV recently and he looks and sounds good. So I wonder if he anticipated the possibility that being the sleazy onetime respected doctor who turned into a quack snake oil salesman Oz would try the attack his (Fetterman’s) health gambit. Knowing how well his rehab was going and that he’d be fit as a fiddle this month when the real election season kicks off. I wonder if Fetterman will be out there damned near every day showing just how HEALTHY he is now, and making a point that listening to sound medical advice (which will be a not so subtle dig at Oz) instead of idiots like Trump relied on is the way to go.

    My gut feeling is that a rested and energized John Fetterman will stomp all over Oz’s strategy. And it would be funny as hell to me to learn when the campaign is over that Fetterman had indeed anticipated Oz would go down this particular low road and he was prepared all along to show just how well he’d recovered and how good his health actually was.

      • 100% of your comment is a lie while 20% of your comment shows you can’t spell. (I’ll let you try to figure out which words were wrong. I’ll be generous–take all the time you need.)

      • Sweetheart. Pluleeze take your birth control. We don’t need baby cretins crawling around learning how to join a cult. Is the preacher sticking it to you like so many do with girls in the cult? Praise Jesus!

  3. Oz is done. This seat is pretty much as good as lost to the GOP, thanks to both the man himself and the Trump factor. One must wonder how many more seats the latter will cost the GOP by November (or rather Roevember).


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