Dr. Ford’s Father Won’t Support Her Publicly Because He Fears Being Booted By Country Club


This is a new one. We hear a lot about country over party, or the reverse, what about country club over daughter?

What a tip top group of people at the country club if they would even contemplate censuring a man for supporting his daughter in a situation like this. Or, perhaps they feel that Dr. Ford’s father should have taught his daughter better than to prevent a moral degenerate seeking a seat on the highest court in the land from obtaining it, when she has evidence of his true character? Interesting set of values the man has. Thankfully for us, his daughter has a much higher one.

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  1. Interesting set of values Faw has, convicting a man on social media w/o any credible evidence whatsoever.
    Survivors don’t need nor do a lot of us want support from individuals who seek to convict w/o trial and proof. You lend zero credibility to victims, potential victims and survivors.
    God forbid someone you love end up in the same situation as Justice Kavanaugh. God bless.
    And shame on the Democrats for using Christine Ford for their political smear.


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