Donald Trump Jr. Has Plans Regarding His Subpoena and None Of Them Involve Honoring It


I love the smell of a constitutional crisis in the morning. It smells like perfidy.

We’ve had quite a week here, folks. Take a look at the highlights, from The Point, which is CNN’s Chris Cillizza’s newsletter:


  • The House Judiciary Committee voted this week to hold Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt for his refusal to turn over the full, unredacted Mueller report.

  • House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) on Friday issued subpoenas in order to get President Donald Trump’s past tax returns.

  • The White House barred former counsel Don McGahn from complying with a subpoena to testify on Capitol Hill.

  • Trump invoked executive privilege over the entire Mueller report

  • The Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr.

As I predicted pre-midterms, when the Democrats regain the House, subpoenas are going to be flying at the White House like bats, and indeed that is the case. The most recent subpoena of interest was to Trump’s namesake spawn. True to form and to his name, rather than manning up and just complying with the thing (as the yous and mes would do, automatically, because we have no choice) Junior is exploring which path is the best one to run away down. USA Today:

One option is to ignore it entirely and let the GOP-led panel decide if they want to vote to hold him in contempt of Congress, a move the source expected would be unlikely to make it through the Republican majority in the full Senate, even if it did pass the Intelligence Committee. Trump Jr. is also considering invoking in writing his Fifth Amendment right to refuse to answer questions that lead to self-incrimination. Finally, he would be open to a possible compromise that could include written responses to questions, the source said.

Now here’s the part that’s going to blow your mind. Even other Republicans, who are so groomed to toady to the whims of the Trump White House, are backing up Senator Burr and his subpoena.

Not all Republicans were critical of Burr. After the GOP lunch Thursday – where the subpoena came up – a stream of senators, including South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, came out and announced they had “great confidence” in Burr with whatever decision he made.

Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican member of the Intelligence Committee, reiterated that Burr has said there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and the chairman was “just trying to be sure that everybody’s asked all the questions” needed before proceeding.

“Mueller’s was a criminal justice investigation. Ours is an intelligence investigation about the Russia threat and about the way our agencies performed,” said Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

And it goes without saying, Trump Senior views all this as ongoing “presidential harassment,” and has busily retweeted all the comments that the Trump lap dogs in Congress have provided. Here’s a sample.

Byrne says, “there are real issues in our country” to be dealt with — oh, and election interference isn’t one of them? With another presidential election on the horizon? No, I guess not, when the interfering party from the last election is gaining more traction in the Oval Office all the time.

Cillizza said this about the past week’s developments in Washington:

Here’s a way to think about the current state of affairs in political Washington: Two cars are speeding toward each other. They started a mile from each other at the start of the week. Now they are 100 feet from one another. And both drivers just keep pushing down on the gas pedal. […]

But here’s what is certain: None of this is good or healthy for our body politic. No matter the result of this game of chicken, one side — and maybe both sides! — will feel hard done and, as a result, will paint the results as either biased or something short of definitive. Which, in turn, will further erode people’s confidence in our system of government and the people they have elected to represent them.

Cillizza says this isn’t going to end well and I wholeheartedly agree.


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    • I just read that. Here’s what McConnell said:

      Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday tried to tamp down the political backlash over the Senate Intelligence Committee’s decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr., urging the president “not to worry.”

      “I know the president’s upset about that, but I think he ought not to worry about it. The chairman of the Intelligence Committee has already said the committee, when it reports, will find no collusion,” McConnell told WHAS, a Kentucky radio station.

      Whut? The chairman has already issued a conclusion before all the work is done? I hate this disinformation, but I guess this is the new normal. McConnell sounds like Putin and I’m not surprised.

        • I hate to think that Russia has pulled off a bloodless coup, but it may very well have happened. And you remember Lincoln’s famous comment? “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” A statement of wisdom. Sadly, we may be seeing it manifest in our lifetimes, something I would have never dreamt possible.

          • A bloodless coup is what I’ve been calling this for quite some time. And being the master of projection, of course tRump refers to the Russia investigation as an attempted coup, just in case we had any doubts. He always spells out what’s really going on, just not getting the perps correctly pointed out.

          • Burr could be making noise in public, but behind the scenes making a deal with the iDJT-jr to come and tell the story he told before (the one Cohen was busted for) in “exchange” for immunity.
            Wouldn’t be the first time Congress has granted immunity to a guilty party.

  1. I don’t understand this, if the fix is in, why do this at all? Are they not communicating amongst themselves, and getting their stories straight?

    • McConnell is being very vague, if not planting downright disinformation. There is no way he knows the conclusion a committee will make while it’s still deliberating. But in this age of Trump and two narratives of reality running side by side — who knows what McConnell really thinks? Never lose sight of the fact that anything he says on any topic is not to convey information but to mold the narrative to his self-interest.

  2. Long before I became a jarhead life delivered lessons that imbued me with the certain knowledge that things can always get worse. I for one don’t think we are anywhere near the worst of what’s to come.

    • Denis, unfortunately I have to agree with you. My life experience validates that premise as well. There are still lower bottoms to be plumbed in dealing with Trump and a complicit GOP. The Republicans will say or do anything to keep Trump in power, so they can pursue their agenda of ultra-conservative judges being appointed. That’s going to be Trump’s legacy, is that McConnell was able to stack the courts big time. They know Trump is a POS just as well as we do — they don’t care. As long as he’s a useful idiot, they’re going to exploit the situation for whatever it’s worth.

  3. You have to know by now, the truth in all points of the faltering Congress et all, the biggest fart face IS the turtle, McConnell himself holding back on votes, such as the vote that 100% of both parties voted for in the House to eliminate all the dark money in the elections, [Citizens United], the worst thing ever to shape our government and steal our votes …

    We had better find out what makes him so anxious to close out the Mueller Report?

    • You’re up late, buddy. It’s 9:30 here, so must be 12:30 a.m. where you are? I’m watching a movie and about ready to fade (my computer tells me when a new comment posts and I run over here.)

      Re: your query: there’s a LOT of stuff in the Mueller report which looks very bad. The connection between Facebook, the Russian bots and people like Parscale and Kellyanne talking to the Russians, via IRA, Internet Research Agency — that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

      We need to see an unredacted version. Not you and me, but people like Adam Schiff. I don’t trust Barr’s integrity regarding redaction at all. Not with what he’s shown us about who he is.

  4. So they’ve agreed to a deal, which will be a softball session for Junior.

    “According to the New York Times, the negotiated deal treats Donald Trump Jr. like a particularly delicate flower. The “interview” with senators would be private, not public, and “no longer than two to four hours.” Questions would be limited to only a set of topics negotiated in advance. The Hill further reports that the deal includes a promise from the committee that this will be the “last” time he is asked for testimony—regardless, apparently, of his answers or non-answers.”


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