There is no low they won’t go. Frankly, I don’t know how this helps Donald Trump, Jr.’s father. This is simply crass and low life. If you’re just now tuning in, Junior put the cherry on the Transgender Day Easter sundae when he decided to drag Michelle Obama into the fracas. She was minding her own business, having a nice holiday with her lovely family and Junior, who doesn’t know what such a thing is, given the family he has, decided to do something very ugly. He posted this.

I would say I feel sorry for Kimberly, but she of all people should know what a hopeless clown she’s with. He brought this on her. Plus, now there is this. Junior is being called out.

Life changed in this country in 2015. I remember the Obama years with fondness. America did well, America was respected. Then the political circus started up and we’re still in it. The Obamas are two self-made people. Their achievements would be impressive for any two people, of any race. Junior can’t hold a candle to either one of them.

Junior is the just the eponymously named son of the most hated man on this planet. And Trump Senior is hated for good reason. Try the 1.2 million dead Americans, gone because Trump knew of the impending COVID plague the previous October but decided that playing ostrich would be his best bet. He was wrong.

Junior has trashed the family name as much as his father with these antics. Nobody of substance respects Junior. Many people of substance respect the Obamas.

I don’t know what the payoff is for Junior in this. For the rest of us, it’s just one more example of a neurotic drug addict with a public name and access to public platforms making an abysmal ass of himself yet one more time.

I can’t blame Junior for not being much of an adult. Look at the example his father gave him of what it is to be a man. I don’t know anything about Ivana, other than reading that she left cooking to the nannies and hired help, rather than cook for her own kids. Maybe Ivana wasn’t that loving, either.

Point being, in the world in which we live, we attempt to figure out why people are the way they are and I speculate that bad parenting makes Junior the utterly hateful human being that he is.

What makes this display today particularly disgraceful is that even Trump Senior went on record saying that the Obamas were warm and welcoming to he and Melania after the election. Michelle had Melania over for tea, a courtesy that Melania did not then perform for Jill and both the Obamas rescued Melania when Trump left her on the front steps of the White House and barged ahead by himself.

One would think that since the Trump family was treated so decently by the Obama family that it would make sense to reciprocate in kind. But no, not in Trump Junior world. In Junior’s world, apparently, actions don’t matter. People are not judged by what they do, they are judged solely by whatever camp they fall into and whatever cruel conspiracy theory they are assigned.

This is why I think Junior is hopeless. He could have let Easter go by, he could have kept up on his dirge about how Biden was wrong to not want religious symbols on Easter eggs, bla bla. But Junior deliberately chose to drag Michelle Obama into the fray and stir up that old pot again.

Donald Trump is the lowest common denominator in this country. And his son is even lower than that. You’ve heard it said about Trump, “It’s unbelievable that he even exists. It’s like if you took everything bad about America, scraped it up off the ground, stuffed it in an old hotdog skin and then taught it to make noises with its face.”

Add to that, “And give it a nose to suck copious amounts of cocaine into, so that it has no awareness of what a horrible person it is, or how bleak and meaningless its life is.” That’s the addendum for Junior.

Junior is a sick, sad, sorry, son of a bitch. I hope he can get help. But in all truth? If he ODs, I won’t shed a tear. Fuck him. The Obamas practiced the golden rule with respect to Donald and Melania Trump. Junior doesn’t know what that is. He’s just a brain dead troll programmed to shit post, no matter what the true facts are. That’s what he’s managed to accomplish in 43 years, they could put that on his gravestone, “Here lies a brain dead troll, programmed to shit post.” The end. What an epitaph.

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  1. His father finally found domestic bliss with the purchase of a trophy wife who is an immigrant.
    For donald anything that doesn’t have a price tag is without value.

  2. Lil’ tootsky is so freaking jealous of everyone who actually worked hard and made something of themselves–the folks who had nothing but still managed to get educated, enter respected professions, even those who are just self-made entrepreneurs sans college degrees. People who just worked hard to get where they are today. Of course, it’s understandable I guess if you’re a leech born to a bigger leech who did not have to work hard the first damned day of their worthless lives.

    Tootsky, every member of the Obama family is now and always will be much, much, better than you, your bro, your dad, your date, Jarvanka, etc. You all are merely grifters who thus far have not been properly dealt with for your grifting. Not to worry tho’, it’s coming.



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