The far-right in this country is starting to make Lord of the Flies look like a bedtime story that you would read to toddlers, instead of a cautionary tale about the worst of human nature. And maybe they do read it to theirs, I would not be surprised.

The level of depravity just keeps going down and down and down.

This is what showed up on Twitter. It was so unbelievable that I thought it must be fake. I was not the only one, either. But I went to Donald Trump, Jr.’s Instagram feed and sure enough, it was there.

I love the fact that 5th Avenue sissies like Junior and Eric pass themselves off as blue collar workers. And, evidently, this is MAGA, blue collar humor.

And it’s nothing new. Remember Easter? What Junior shared then?

And we had three mass shootings that week, two in South Carolina and one in Pennsylvania. Plus another shooting in New York. But this was har de har har in the Spring and now razor wire in the fireplace for Santa is har de har har.

And in case you were wondering where the other objet d’art came from, in the tweet at the top of this piece, query no more.

So where do we go from here next? Kevin Sorbo bar-b-cues Rudolph and the other reindeer, while Jon Voight murders all the elves?

These people are seriously sick. But I guess they enjoy distinguishing themselves in that way. The fact that the yous and mes look at this and shake our heads is some kind of a victory.

And if it was only the yous and mes, who would care? I can’t help but wonder what is happening to children raised in this environment. Gun fetishism is not healthy, but evidently we don’t have enough dead kids or shooters behind bars to where that fact has struck home yet.


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  1. This ass wipe is so far gone there aren’t word to describe it. I find it curious that we have seen/heard so little from Kyberly Gargoyle in recent times. Maybe even she realizes how fucked up Junior actually is and has been looking for a way out that somehow keeps her getting some type of paycheck from Trump. Like the parasitic Lyndsey Graham when John McCain was diagnosed with a brain cancer that virtually always (and pretty quickly) fatal frantically searched for a new “host” to latch on to I suspect Kymberly has been doing the same. That begs the question “How fucked up do you have to be to have Kymberly look at you and say you’re too fucked up to be with?”

  2. Remember when the right raged about the left’s “War on Christmas” because they didn’t like Happy Holidays being more inclusive? R’s are such flagrant hypocrites.

  3. I remember reading a story about nazi depravity where soliders would toss infants in the air and machine gun them. I also read they threw children into the ovens alive when they ran out of gas. I hope people understand that everytime you vote someone into power,(yeah I’m looking at you fucked up assholes in florida/texas), who support this authoritarian ideology, YOU ARE A NAZI. I don’t give a rat’s ass what you BELIEVE you are doing. YOU are supporting evil and giving them power to do evil. I learned at an early age to watch what people DO, not what they say. Abbotts’ latest move proves my point. The examples in the gop are endless.

  4. Jr’s brain is so rotted from all that coke he’s hoovered up, he doesn’t make sense. Exactly what does he think the feds are going to do? Come down the chimney to get him? If they want him, they’ve got those battering rams that will knock his door off the hinges. They don’t need a chimney. Ted Nugent must be doing drugs too to think that a bloody Santa is so uproariously funny. These guys are disgusting and mental. I just hope kids don’t see these images.


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