Talk about a Freudian slip. And the timing couldn’t be better as the Supreme Court begins hearings on Daddy’s insurrection, which was the eventual outworking of the fact that he simply wasn’t enough of a man to admit that he had lost the 2020 election. At the end of the day, when you boil it all down, that’s what happened. One small man, with a huge ego, simply lacked the dignity and class of a Jimmy Carter or a George H.W. Bush.

And Junior never calls his male parent Dad or “my father.” Eric does. Eric says “my father” almost as often as Megan McCain. If the United States treasury had a dollar for each time Eric or Megan said “my father” there would be no national debt. No, Junior refers to dad as “Trump.” Which is interesting, because Trump refers to himself as Trump. I guess they’re both acknowledging that Donald Trump is basically a made up character. And indeed he is. Junior’s comment is fleeting, don’t blink or you’ll miss it. But you’ll definitely enjoy what comes before and after. It’s yet another great mash up by Lincoln Project.

And oh yes, it gets much worse. Would it surprise you to know that 74% of Republicans favor Trump being dictator for a day?

The new University of Massachusetts–Amherst poll conducted with YouGov finds that “a startling 39 percent of Americans, including 74 percent of Republicans, think it’s a decent idea for Donald Trump to act as a dictator for a day to begin his prospective second term, according to a University of Massachusetts Amherst survey released Wednesday.”

Via Rolling Stone:

The UMass Amherst poll posed the following questions to 1,064 respondents: “Donald Trump recently said that if elected, he would be a dictator only on the first day of his second term.” It then asked, “Do you think that this is a good or bad idea for the country?”

Only 44 percent of adults completely rebelled at the notion of giving the former president — who is currently facing 91 felony charges — dictatorial authority, calling it “definitely bad” for America. Another 16 percent judged that it was “probably bad.” Those most opposed were women (67 percent), African Americans (82 percent), and 2020 Biden supporters (91 percent).

A full 15 percent of those surveyed responded that making Trump dictator for a day was “definitely good” for the country, while another 24 percent said it was “probably good.”

And the rioters who attacked the Capitol, and beat police officers?

The UMass Amherst poll also delivered several other eye-popping findings relating to the fallout from the 2020 election — including that 40 percent of the nation believes that Americans convicted of crimes for participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol are “probably” or “definitely” deserving of a pardon. 

But there is also some good — or at least less crazy — news in the poll as well.

“A striking 58% of Americans believe that Trump is probably or definitely guilty of illegally attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election,” Jesse Rhodes, professor of political science at UMass Amherst and co-director of the poll, notes from the poll’s findings.

 “More than half of Americans think that Trump is guilty of crimes relating to efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, but only 41% want Trump to be removed from their state’s presidential ballot under the 14th Amendment. So, what’s going on? It’s likely that some Americans believe that rather than being removed by the courts or election administrators, Trump should be repudiated by the people through elections. It’s also quite possible that some Americans fear that trying to remove Trump from the ballot will turn him into a political martyr, inflaming his supporters and increasing his political influence.”

Isn’t that amazing? I guarantee you, I knew many men, and women as well, who served in WWII, not to mention Korea and Viet Nam and not a one of them put their lives on the line so that we could give America over to the autocratic rule of a game show host on TV. Not a one.


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  1. I’d love to have seen a poll that asked “‘Donald Trump recently said that if elected, he would be a dictator only on the first day of his second term’ [and] then asked, ‘Do you think that it would be a good or bad idea for the country if Joe Biden were a dictator only on the first day of his second term?”

    I have a really sneaky feeling that FAR LESS than 39% of Americans would support that idea (and nowhere close to 74% of Democrats).

    Every American should be asked “Do you support a President being allowed to act like a dictator for a day” and anyone who says, “Yes” should be shown the door and denied a ballot.


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