Don Jr. and CNN Exchange Blows Over Blatantly Racist Ad


Donald Trump Jr. is having a busy time campaigning with his father’s racist agenda in the run up to the Tuesday election. Here’s his latest salvo.

The Hill:

The ad claims that Democrats allowed Luis Bracamontes back into the country after he was deported, but he was readmitted to the U.S. during Republican President George W. Bush’s tenure.

The ad also shows images of the migrant caravan of Central American asylum seekers traveling toward the U.S.

“Who else would Democrats let in?” The narrator asks.

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) called the ad “sickening” and called on all Republicans to denounce it.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez blasted the ad as a divisive “dog-whistle.”

Too bad the Trumpkins don’t have the honesty to make their slogan “Make America White Again” because the rest of us get it.

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