There was a day not too long ago when one could turn to a broadcasting or print media source and learn about the events of the day. In TrumpWorld, that is no longer standard operating procedure, if Tuesday’s information kerfuffle involving Mike Pence canceling an appearance in New Hampshire is any indication. The drama began on Fox News, where else, as a “bulletin”  was issued, stating that Pence was canceling his speaking engagement on the opioid crisis in New Hampshire and going back to Washington, D.C., due to some unspecified emergency.

Three different sets of facts for the same story. What are we supposed to do, throw darts, take a poll and vote on what happened, make up our own version, what?

Now, this new development will truly amuse you. The White House says, don’t worry, it’s got nothing to do with Trump’s health. Which is like the old joke, “When did you stop beating your wife?” It doesn’t matter what the answer is, the dark secret is out.

Okay, so Pence’s own people are now saying he never left D.C., but that something came up requiring him to stay in town. Might we know what that is? Not that I particularly care what that pimple on the a$$hole of relevancy is doing at any given moment, I merely would like to know if the Trump White House is doing yet another cover up of information that we need to have. Whatever happened, the cat got out of the bag and Fox News publicized it, possibly wildly mischaracterizing what occurred, which is their hallmark, but now somebody is going to have to come forward and straighten things out.

And truthfully? Considering what a den of liars are at the White House, it would not surprise me if this did have something to do with Trump and that it was being kept from us. As a matter of fact, I would expect no different. In a functioning administration, a VP would cancel an appearance due to health (either his own or the president’s) or a national security emergency. So which do we have here? Or neither? Then what’s the fuss? Fox didn’t have enough faux nooz and drama for the day, so they had to churn up some more?

Here’s what ABC News said an hour ago:

His chief of staff, Marc Short, told ABC News Pence got on the plane at Joint Base Andrews, and was called back before the plane was ready to take off but he would not specify why. He added that, once Pence came back to the West Wing, he joined President Donald Trump for other high-level meetings.

Short reiterated that it was “not a national security issue,” but said the president and vice president “discussed the issue briefly.”

It wasn’t a national security issue but it was an issue big enough to call Mike Pence off his plane and get his a$$ back to the White House so that he and Trump could discuss it. So what might that be? Trump wants to shoot the diapered Trump-baby blimp out of the sky if it appears over the Lincoln Memorial on the 4th and he wants Pence’s permission? Suddenly Pence’s opinion is meaningful to Trump? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Just consider who we’re discussing and the way they’re behaving.

And I’ll ask it once again: where oh where is this new press secretary, Stephanie Grisham? Seems to me that if ever a matter screamed for a press briefing, this is it.


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    • Ain’t it grand, when the belief in the White House has flip flopped to where the only thing we’re sure of is that they’re lying? We didn’t get there overnight with these people. They trained us.

          • Maybe there is no truth but all an illusion of truth. In fact Pence was in South Bend giving an overdue commencement address to the graduates.

          • No, I think it’s Donald Rumsfeld. Is he still on this side of the grass, anybody know? Anybody care?

          • Illusion of truth? Is that like “known unknowns and unknown unknowns” and all that? I love it when the Rethugs get poetic. I loved it when Dubya talked about the “axis of the nexus” (from his ranch in Texas…where he drove in his Lexus…) You get the idea.

  1. Even more interesting, when they were asked when they’d tell the press more, the answer was “weeks”.
    The speculation that it’s to tell Pence he’s not on the VP ticket next year is lunacy – that isn’t something that’s even necessary this far out.
    Something’s up. Has Himself been on twitter in the last 6 hours?

    • The last tweet I can find is on Mueller testifying. Out of the blue, along with all his tweets on the great fireworks and the booming economy, which is due to him solely, there’s a Mueller tweet. The Mueller tweet is seven hours old, which would make it eight o’clock Pacific since Trump has tweeted.

      I agree with you, I don’t think Trump would have called him to the White House to tell him he’s not the VP candidate any more. See, what is stupid here, is Grisham should just come forward and say something. The longer this speculation goes on, the weirder this is going to get.

  2. My guesses are a)Pence is being told why he’s being thrown off the 2020 ticket, b)Trump finally had that stroke or heart attack and someone wanted Pence close by or c)this has to do with upcoming indictments from New York state that has Pence’s name on it.

    • I’ll go with indictments from NY State AG, she just said She’s coming to get Trump after one of his worthless tweets …
      By now, after hundreds of warnings from WH staff dRumf, may have just collapsed from the fright of an opponent that CANNOT be silenced OR ignored … She WILL get him and all the Trump system may dissolve. A natural escape from reality is a failing heart …

      With the false praise of flyovers and a confused military still not setup and perform day 48 hours away … how can an over weight old man hold up to that pressure? By now, he may actually know what she has to hit him with … REALLY BIG GUNS … money laundering comes to mind …. and a rain day? Trump’s Hair — OUCH!

      Poor DJT, may just off himself, and the fireworks can be for his departure … in style …

  3. If Pence is notified to be anywhere something must be relayed to the top WH team as one or the other survivor needs to be ready for Trump’s latest screw up and the international kick back … hmnnn

    Business as usual? I think not, but the huge build up in the Arctic by Putin may have something to do with it ….

  4. 4th of July has strange dynamics. All hands on deck , even Pence. The fundies and even the KKK may show up. And so the Trump blimp.

    • The fundies will be there cheering Trump on. As to the KKK, I’m sure they’ll be there, whether in full regalia or not, is the only question. Same with the Nazis. That’s Trump’s core base. How could they not be there on Hair Furor’s big day?

    • That is the only thing that Trump hasn’t done, is putting Ivanka on the ticket. That would be throwing in the kitchen sink, for sure. OMG…just the thought of it…I may need to lie down.

  5. “a den of liars are at the White House” Is at the WH. A den is singular. Liars is plural. That makes confusion where we do not need it. I agree that they constantly lie, but please say it correctly.


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