This isn’t getting the press that it should, because the Supreme Court snuck this in through the back door. The shadow docket is a tool by which the demise of Roe v. Wade came in at midnight Wednesday, and under the radar. The shadow docket is defined as a place “where the justices hand down largely unsigned short opinions without going through standard hearings, deliberations, and transparency.” It was recently used to deal with the eviction ban and the “remain in Mexico” policy. Now Roe v. Wade has been scuttled, with hardly a ripple in the water and we return to medieval times. Salon:

Earlier this summer, Texas passed a law banning abortion at 6 weeks. Six weeks may sound like a luxurious amount of time to make a decision, but in fact, it amounts to a near-ban on all abortion. That’s because in reality, “six weeks” is only two weeks after the missed period, and that’s only in women who have highly regular periods. Critically, it is also before many doctors will even do the procedure, for safety reasons. So it’s estimated that 85-90% of abortions in Texas are performed after the 6-week mark.

To make it worse, the law is written in such a way as to make wife beaters, Aunt Lydias, and embittered incels the primary enforcers of the ban, establishing what amounts to a public bounty hunter system. As legal analyst Imani Gandy explained at Rewire News Group, the law “allows anyone—literally anyone, including strangers!—to file a lawsuit against a person they suspect is going to either provide an abortion or help a person obtain an abortion.” This means that not only can the abusive ex-boyfriend sue the doctor who helped his victim escape his clutches, but he can now also go after the friend who put her up and paid for her abortion.

As The 19th reports, Planned Parenthood and other clinics across the state have already mass-canceled abortion appointments.

This Texas law clearly violates Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that bars states from banning pre-viability abortion, a category which very much includes pregnancies two weeks after a missed period. And yet, somehow the Fifth Circuit Court, which is notoriously authoritarian, found a way to uphold the law. The law went into effect at the stroke of midnight on September 1, as the Supreme Court passively allowed that lower court decision to stand. The move, or lack thereof, is unprofessional and cowardly, but it did allow the far-right court to have it both ways by banning abortion in Republican-controlled states without drawing “Roe overturned” headlines that would anger the large majority of Americans who want to keep Roe in place.

Unfortunately, such a shadowy maneuver is hardly a unique move for this court. These kinds of passive, backdoor decisions are increasingly how the Supreme Court is now doing business. Despite the self-flattery from the legal world about the apolitical nature of the courts, the reality is today’s Supreme Court is both very political and very right-wing.

This is media manipulation and it’s working just fine. The court is pursuing its agenda successfully and it’s avoiding all the negative headlines. The people are lulled into a feeling that the Supreme Court is reasonable. Ha.



That’s when everything is transparent and above board, i.e. when a case is on the docket. Nothing is on the docket here, this is the shadow docket and it’s the means by which this court does things nowadays. They don’t care about the gravity of what they do, they’re concerned about looking bad.

From a journalist’s perspective, I can say that this method, while sordid, is effective for media manipulation. Outlets cannot publish straightforward headlines that say “Roe overturned” or “Supreme Court upholds Texas abortion ban,” because it hasn’t actually happened, one way or another. It’s possible that a decision is issued later today or this week, or never. There’s no way to know and so no way to write clear, compelling headlines, much less stories that state clearly, one way or another, if Roe is overturned. It’s Schrödinger’s abortion ban.

It’s chip away time, folks. Just like with all the voter suppression laws, just chip, chip chip away at the democracy block. Keep doing it in enough areas and you’ll weaken it and it will eventually collapse.

It’s a truism in Beltway media that Roberts is an “institutionalist” who values preserving the Supreme Court’s integrity over his far-right views. This is, as many pieces of received wisdom in D.C., utter nonsense. To be clear, Roberts values his reputation as an institutionalist. That’s why he has increasingly embraced strategies based on subterfuge and obfuscation, so he can preserve that reputation while actually doing what he was appointed by George W. Bush to do, which is impose a far-right ideology on a public that rejects it. Roberts is the one who is shepherding this abuse of the shadow docket. Roberts is the one who is letting Texas ban abortion, in direct violation of Roe, by simply washing his hands of the issue. He’s a radical wolf in institutionalist sheep clothing. The only hope is that this abortion ban is finally what attracts enough national attention to these abuses, and blows up an authoritarian strategy that only works in the shadows.

If this doesn’t wake people up, we are more asleep than we know. This is when the right-wing does its best work, is under cover of darkness. We were all lulled into a liberal stupor for eight years under Obama and we actually thought that Hillary Clinton could become the first woman president. We were not paying attention to the forces in this nation which rose to elect Donald Trump. We better wake up right now, because the signs are all around us that those same forces are amassing and doing great damage.

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  1. I kept checking news both on TV and online last night and hardly a peep about what might (and I believed would) happen at midnight. I also checked second thing (there’s one certain task I take care of when I log online each morning) this morning and again, nothing on TV and very little online. There’s been a bit more as the day went on but nothing like there should have been. This story should be getting equal time with IDA and Afghanistan and it isn’t.

    I’m an old white guy (who never had kids) and I’M furious. Where is the outrage we SHOULD be seeing? If I had the financial means I’d hire someone to create a giant poster that would go on the back of a large flatbed truck. It would have pictures of the Fascist Federalist Society hacks – all six of them (Roberts was missing from the title pic) and one word in giant letters across the bottom: CHRISTALIBAN!

    If unable to spend all day myself driving it back and forth in front of their building I’d hire someone.

  2. How much more of this are the Dems going to allow? American Taliban is alive and well in Texas. The bullshit about Sharia law under Obama is now happening under Refucklicans.

  3. Levitz seems never to have heard of the Federalist Society, the GQP’s favorite source for judicial nominations. For much of the last 20 years, GQP has been controlling who gets those nominations.

    • Actually it goes back well beyond twenty years. The Triple F (Fascist Federalist Fuckwad) Society was formed in the early 80s. Reagan, and then Bush 41 started taking their recommendations on appointments to the federal judiciary and SCOTUS as well as other govt. positions. Not all of their appointments to the Bench or Court were Federalist Society members but the bulk were. That includes charter members Anton Scalia and Clarence Thomas btw. Bush 43 picked up where daddy left off but unlike daddy didn’t stray from the right wing activist judge program groups like The Federalist Society were pushing. He gave us Roberts and Alito. Roberts if you recall was initially slotted to be an Associate Justice but Renquist (another Federalist Society fuckwad) retired so he got bumped up to Chief Justice. The main thing for Republicans after Souter was no more chance taking – make goddamned sure that anyone nominated had been groomed and for years to prove their bona fides. Including actual membership and work on their causes.

      So now we have six of these assholes. SIX, and two seats were clearly stolen by stretching traditional practices beyond all reason. And it’s hard to believe Kennedy’s sudden retirement (he’d already hired clerks for the upcoming term!) to make way for Kavanaugh wasn’t hinky. His son after all worked at Deutsche Bank and had ties to Trump’s financial dealings. For any who might have tried to rationalize some type of health issue ole Kennedy has been just fine in the intervening years. Bareshark will probably take me to task for the speculation but I think it’s fair to ask whether Kennedy was pressed to take a deal – his son would be protected in exchange for his resignation and give conservatives someone who wouldn’t sometimes be a swing vote – but rather a reliable hard core conservative ACTIVIST.

      And don’t kid yourselves. While I doubt the bulk of “I love Jeebus” Republicans actually believe in god and their Jeebus (they sure as hell don’t practice what Jesus says in the bible!) those that do PRAYED (and the false believers hoped) that with all her health problems RBG would die while Trump was still in office. I will believe till my last breath that had she died the day before the Inauguration Trump would have nominated someone and McConnell would have held a confirmation vote in the morning before Biden was sworn in.

      These would be feudal lords are so close to their promised land they can taste it. And they are going for broke.

  4. I hope the first woman who can do so hires a lawyer to IMMEDIATELY file for child support to be paid directly by Greg Abbott and EVERY SINGLE Texas legislator who voted for this bill (and, just for funsies, add in all the conservative members of SCOTUS). These folks want these fetuses (many of which may not even be viable in the long run) to be born, then they can PAY for those births–and the long-term care of each and every single one.

    It seems the only way to get anything through what passes for brains in these idiots is to hit them in the pocketbook so make all these idiots financially responsible for their actions.

  5. For years I’ve been telling Democrats — my fellow Democrats — to stop acting like their own shit don’t stink. Democrats have so many weaknesses that we are unable to stop the War on Democracy. We never discuss what we are doing to render ourselves useless. We never examine our own policies that lead us to the grave. We never ask why more of us aren’t up in arms about democracy being led to the slaughter. We never change our ways to enable us to fight back. Why do we think we deserve to lead? What change of view are we refusing to make? What change of attitude, of policy? What the hell are we doing about it, Democrats?

    Get up. Stand up. For our rights. Get up, stand up. JOIN THE FIGHT!

  6. Guess Judge rapey mcperjury came through for his constituents. Now u get to rape that bitch AND turn her in for ten grand. What a great deal. The best since rich white men could buy black women & have their way. Hell even Tommy Jefferson fathered multiple children by his slave. Hey republican ladies. Ur vagina now belongs to Ted Cruz. And u folks in Maine? Susan Collins is very very very concerned.


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