Oh, my. Devin Nunes may have to take his nose out of the wine vats today and walk back over to his computer. All hell is breaking loose on Truth Social in the wake of Donald Trump’s egregious gaffe last night in New Hampshire where he confused his opponent Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. You won’t believe the level of malice. Two things here: TS has a lot of Democrats online. I’m over there and I have yet to post comment number one. I’m waiting for the right moment to take my shot because I know I’ll be instantaneously banned. So when I take my shot, I’m going to make sure it counts.

There are a lot of Democrats who do this, they come out of the shadows, take a shot and then they’re gone. But what’s different today is that there are Republicans lashing out at Trump. One of the comments you will see below says, “Once you’re convicted, she’ll be our nominee.” That’s pretty obvious. So bounce that idea off of a couple of synapses and you will conclude what I have, which is that if Republicans are mad enough at Trump to openly confront him that way on Truth Social, en masse, it’s a very bad sign. And in any event, Devin Nunes better get busy with the ban hammer and bring it down. Because if Trumpty sees these insults on TS, Devin is going to be wearing a ketchup halo. Here’s a sample. Even a month ago, this wouldn’t have stayed up beyond ten minutes.

Now this next one is probably a Republican because he’s defending Haley. The response is to this: “Nikki ‘Birdbrain’ Haley is losing BIG in the polls against Crooked Joe. I am beating him all over the place. She is WEAK ON THE BORDER, I AM THE STRONGEST BORDER PRESIDENT, EVER. That’s all you have to know!!!” There’s also a crack downthread about the borders.

This next one could be either a Democrat or a Republican. I tend to think it’s from a Republican because, again, Democrats aren’t focused on Haley. We’re focused on beating Trump, who is the presumptive nominee. That focus will only shift if this campaign dramatically shifts. And if could. It could shift this week. Now that would be some unforeseen turnaround. I don’t see it happening but I didn’t see Trump winning in 2016, either.

And it goes on for quite a bit. I’m telling you, Devin Nunes is going to have a heavy work day. Sorry it’s a Saturday, Dev, no partying tonight with the cheap swill you’re manufacturing. You probably only use that stuff to thin paint, anyway. In all events, you better jump on this, stat.

Now this next one is a jewel.

That pretty much says it all. Poor Devin. Besieged by abusive digital cows and now he has to deal with this. The internet is a jungle, Dev, what can I tell you? And guess what? Trumpty isn’t safe on his own platform anymore. This may be the shape of things to come.

I can tell you, I monitor Truth Social every day and I see the occasional “Democrat troll” and all the MAGAs hiss and snarl at the troll, and then the user is banned. But I have never seen an onslaught like this in any thread.

This is a sea change, friends. The tide is turning and soon some vile orange scum will wash up on the beaches. Kids will say, “Oooo, mommy, what’s that?” And they will be told, “That’s what’s left of a horrible plague in our politics, child, a dreadful orange scum which once infested the most sacred of our institutions. It’s gone now. We banded together and destroyed it. And now we are once again, the United States of America.”


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  1. I like to joke about how the owner of the nears ServePro franchise (“Like It Never Even Happened”) gets richer every week sending crews to clean up ketchup at Mar A Lago if Trump sees what’s been going on? He’ll plaster the walls with so much ketchup, and also overflowing with shit diapers (and shit all over the floor running around until someone hands him a fresh diaper) they will take one look and say “Fuckit. I’m not sending MY people in here to clean this up. You’re on your own dude. Here’s a number to a local demolition company. Maybe they can give you a good price on bulldozing this whole joint into the ocean!”

    • NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!! We don’t want the oceans to totally die!! When Traitor Tot finally dies, he needs to be treated like violently radioactive waste!! In fact, why wait…!!

  2. a group NAFO fellas on bird app were organized into a mission to go on TS and
    bonk and otherwise raise hell with the russian loving populus.


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