Devin Nunes is always good for laughs, but today is an especially good day, when he finds an analogy between Joe Biden and that other Joe, Stalin. Righto.

Now this one is a personal favorite. I knew a woman who grew up in East Germany in the 60’s and she said that on some days you would go to the store and you could get rice, other days, only potatoes. It was what it was.

Nunes also doesn’t know the difference between socialism and communism, but whatever. The point is that he gets on Fox News and sprews this nonsense to people who don’t know the difference either, because if he gets and keeps them stirred up, they’ll tune in to Fox News and go vote for him. That’s the only truth he knows or cares about. This is Political Posturing 101.

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    • No. Harpo was the silent one. Nunes couldn’t keep silent for a minute on a bet.

      I’d say that Nunes would be closer to Gummo, the one who quit the group because he got tired of the act. (Well, Gummo or Manfred, the brother who died in infancy–that would explain Nunes’ charisma, or lack of such.)


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