Holy deja vu, Batman. This is just like an echo, or maybe a boomerang. You may recall the New York scandal where Eric Trump acting on his father’s instructions, was found to have diverted funds from children’s cancer charities over to the Trump Organization. Fast forward to today, a canine charity, the Big Dog Ranch Rescue has spent as much as $1.9 million at Trump properties in recent years and is spending $225,000 more at Mar-a-Lago this weekend. Lara Trump, she who Lindsey Graham endorses to run for the Senate, and wife of Eric Trump, is the conduit for the cash. Huffington Post:

According to a permit filed with the town of Palm Beach, Florida, Big Dog Ranch Rescue estimates it will spend $225,000 at the club where Donald Trump has taken up full-time residence since leaving the White House. All the profit from that spending winds up in his pocket.

Internal Revenue Service filings show that the group has spent as much as $1,883,160 on fundraising costs at Mar-a-Lago and Trump’s golf course 18 miles north in Jupiter starting in 2014. Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, started being listed as a chairwoman for charity events in 2018, and the group’s president, Lauren Simmons, visited the White House in 2019 for the signing of a bill addressing animal cruelty. […]

Many businesses have cut their ties to Trump following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, for which Trump was impeached after he spent two months lying about the election having been “stolen” from him. Trump asked his followers to gather in Washington, D.C., on the day Congress was meeting to certify the Electoral College votes, and then urged them to march on the Capitol to intimidate his own vice president into violating the Constitution and installing Trump for another term.

Simmons, however, was among those propagating Trump’s lies on social media, posting messages to “stop the steal,” a phrase the defeated president’s supporters had adopted. On Jan. 3, three days before the mob attack, Simmons shared a post stating: “Either we TAKE power back or we will never be free again. No more asking nicely.”

The charity briefly pulled back from using Mar-a-Lago immediately after Trump’s 2017 remarks praising the racist, anti-Semitic protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, but ultimately held its March 2018 fundraiser there anyway, even while many other charities abandoned Mar-a-Lago for good.

This is totally true to form. Even though the State of New York shut down the Trump Foundation and the Eric Trump Foundation for taking money from charities it was involved with and spending it at the family properties, the same thing is now going on in Florida. Florida is the new New York, at least where Trump world is concerned. Self dealing is the order of the day.  Daughter-in-law Lara Trump has been advertised as a “chairwoman” of the dog rescue’s fundraisers over the past several years and she has no problem with any of this, even though what happened in New York should have been a cautionary tale.

These people don’t learn. They don’t learn because they don’t care. It’s all about them and their pocketbooks, always has been and always will be.

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    • The only thing surprising in the least about this is that they did the exact same thing in New York and it went south. So, what? They thought they’d have a different result in Florida? Nobody would notice?

  1. 225,000 is a far cry from the millions he used to be able to embezzle. Given the amount of debt Mr. Tangerine Man is buried under, this is sofa change. And yet it still manages to hurt a worthy cause as per usual…F***!

  2. It seems these people are willing participants. They are big time tRump supporters. I wonder if the charity in New York knew they were getting fleeced. Also, they are choosing to schedule their events at tRump properties.

  3. When they stand before that GREAT WHITE JUDGEMENT THRONE OF LORD, they will have to answer for their selfish lives! That is all that is needed! Stop talking about trump in anyway,shape or form!!!!!!!


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