We are in the throw it all at the walls and hope something sticks portion of the Georgia runoff. Herschel Walker has stopped talking about werewolves and vampires (and pasta and ducks and whatever else dances through his “mind”) and has decided that a sex scandal is what’s needed.

I can’t say as how I blame Walker for being desperate. If I was in a race and had Ted Cruz coming to speak for me, while my opponent had Barack Obama coming down to Georgia to speak for him — for the second time — I would be quite desperate myself.

That said, this is plain pathetic. This is simply taking ugly to a new level and unfortunately, we have seen that Walker is good at that.

It is absolute horse shit, but if that’s all you’ve got, throw it at the walls. Maybe something will stick.

Here’s another clip of Walker’s which has been unearthed. The man has serious issues and he should not be in this race. His own family members have said so. They begged him not to do this to himself, and to them.

We don’t need another celebrity nut job in either chamber of congress. We’ve got Tommy Tuberville in the Senate, that is more than enough. In all truth, that is way too much, but we are dealing with the south and there is a different standard on who they deem viable for public office, alas.

For so many reasons, this clown has got to lose.

Here is a link to Senator Warnock’s Act Blue page. If you can donate, do so. If you can phone bank, text, anything at all, do so. This is a crucial race on so many levels. Warnock is not only the better candidate, Walker is a sick man and he simply needs to go do something else with his life.

Next to Kanye West, Walker is the most disturbed individual in the political narrative right now. It is painful to watch these guys. They are so out of touch.



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  1. REALLY?

    Is this the best the GOP has to offer? There are SO MANY good reasons to ignore this slimy shit-head, but, he does provide a prime example of what can happen when football players with serious concussions are not properly diagnosed and treated …

    His speech is fast and disconnected from reality, he has trouble speaking clearly, which young man is he talking about? What, where and when was this youth camp incident?

    [“Somebody said,”] I’m absolutely sure these famous words have put numerous individuals in jeopardy of job positions, but, in an active court action procedure, on this level of stupidity from Walker, about a million reasons from Walker’s personal pocket, might get his attention to details improved … {NAH!}

  2. Walker is the classic example of CTE in action. Usually when they are this detached from reality, they either kill.themselves or someone else. I hope he doesn’t decide to take anyone with him when he loses.


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