I don’t know what writing about politics was like prior to 2016 because I didn’t do it. I was drawn into this fray by the utter insanity of the fact that the Republican party actually was displaying an intention to nominate a TV game show host as its standard bearer. I kept thinking, “this has got to fold soon, it’s too ridiculous.” And it never did. It just keep going and going, like some deranged Energizer Bunny.

At that time, my perception of reality shifted dramatically. I didn’t know this country that I was suddenly living in. And then the awfulness of Election Night 2016, when I realized that the country I had grown up in and the one I was presently living in were two different places, finally dawned. It was a painful awakening. And to be honest? The only thing more painful is the fact that the TV game show host is still on the scene, 91 felony counts and the loss of two trials later. Like that’s nothing. Like character in leaders, especially the commander in chief, just doesn’t matter anymore. So, against this dark reality, have a few lighthearted moments, because we have work to do to stop Trump. Once again.

As you’ve heard, Vivek “Fake” Ramaswamy suspended his campaign tonight. He apparently decided to stop dumping money into this black hole in space, which the campaign has become for him, financially, just sucking it in. But Ron DeSantis is still in the race and as noted above, dumped an incredible $200 million into Iowa for two lousy freaking points. What kind of an ROI (return on investment) is that? I don’t know for a fact that DeSantis is weeping about this, that’s speculation, but I think it would be a far stretch to say that he’s loaded with cash and can keep going forever, and/or he’s simply overjoyed at tonight’s result in Iowa. $200K for two points is brutal.

And more importantly, how long can he continue to do this? That’s the question that he’s wrestling with tonight, and no I don’t know if he and Casey took a private jet back down to Florida. Me thinks the private jet days are in the rear view mirror.

In all seriousness, DeSantis needs to think about what he’s going to do. Investor money is not flooding in tonight. He lost. Bigly. He had all his eggs in the Iowa basket and you know what they say about that — you drop the basket and you’re SOL. He dropped the basket. Kim Reynolds’ endorsement was not the magic wand it was supposed to be.

There’s no stardust, Ron. There never was, except in your mind. It’s going to come down to a serious economic decision how long DeSantis stays in the race, in the not too distant future. And what complicates matters is that DeSantis just can’t accept that he lost. You saw here earlier tonight how he blamed the media for “election interference” in calling the race, when him (or Haley) winning the race was a mathematical impossibility and that’s why it was called.

No, Ron, there wasn’t a legion of voters trudging to the polls to vote for you and then they heard the radio say, “Trump won,” and they turned around and went back home. There wasn’t even a handful of people meeting that description, but that’s something that you can’t seem to accept.

It won’t be long before the savvy politicos start laying odds on how much longer DeSantis can hang in there. My personal prediction is that DeSantis will not go gently into that dark night. He is so in love with this fantasy of being president of the United States that he won’t relinquish it easily. The lashing out at the media for calling the race proved that conclusively. And as for tonight’s winner? Here’s what that looks like.

Stay tuned. It’s only going to get nuttier.

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  1. desantis spent 200 million for 25 thousand votes, so about 8000 per vote. he could have gotten a better ROI if he just paid people to show up.


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