Unlike the ignorant MAGA asshats who flock to Ron DeSantis events like hungry flies swarming cow flop, I trust most of my readers have by this point in their lives cultivated a balanced and nuanced understanding of Winston Churchill, both as a man and a statesman, and would absolutely not be taken in by the fascist Florida Governor’s attempts, displayed below, to clumsily conflate his own poisonous policies with those of the imminently flawed but indisputably inspired orator of Downing Street, who rallied his beloved England to fight to their deaths DeSantis’ ideological brethren with his “Fight them on the beaches” speech:

Bastardizing Churchill’s famous speech to inflame his army of mindless orcs to confront their maliciously contrived think tank Army of the awoken, DeSantis displays his ignorance of just who that great, and flawed, man, really was – an author for all of his adult life of books that… love them or hate them… produced written words so prolifically that even Florida ignorami would blanch at the daunting task of trying to burn them all, and a man who loved books, all and every kind of book, with a passion DeSantis reserves for destroying them…

“Books, in all their variety, offer the human intellect the means whereby civilisation may be carried triumphantly forward.” Winston Churchill

What would Churchill make of the Florida Legislature and Reichmarshall Ron’s efforts to prevent the young people of their state from reading the following great books?

I will let the man speak for himself:

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” – Winston Churchill

Twitter users were understandably enraged by DeSantis’ mockery:

Well, Olivia, after all he are one.

Absolutely, Meredith.




Thanks to Olivia for posting this gut wrenching video, and alerting us all to what is happening in DeSantis-Land.

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  1. Interesting seeing ‘Song of Solomoin’ on the banned list.

    Does that mean desanitise is going to have the part of the Bible between Ecclesiastes and Isaiah removed from all copies in Florida (and did he tell the Gideon people that)?

    Or is he simply going to ban the whole book?

    • This isn’t the one in the Bible. It is the novel.by Toni Morrison. Might make white kids feel.bad to.read that PoC were discriminated against and whites can be rscists.
      I doubt they would like the Biblical one eithet. The woman is described as “dark but comely” which means darker skinned. The man is described as “Tall and firm.as the cedars of Lebanon.Taken in context, this doesn’t refer to his height and build, but something quite else,,according to Andrew Greeley, the priestly novelist with no problem writing love scenes. Indeed,it refers to his erection: long and hard… doesn’t that come too close to.sex ed for Ronnie us taste?

      • Then there’s this bit:
        Let her breasts vfill you at all times with delight;
        My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.

        Behold, there he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows,
        looking through the lattice.

        Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle,

  2. Makes you wish that these greats from history could reach up from their graves and snatch the the hair from the conservative fools’ heads. Snatch them bald.

  3. He’s a fucking nazi. Period. We lost 400,000 true patriots in that goddamn war against fascism. 70 million dead. Hitler killed 1,500 000 children we know about. Fuck any of you who support this evil fuck. My five uncles were WW2 war vets. God knows how many wounded or how many were suffering from PTSD. I knew my uncles & never heard a word about the war. Guess it was something they tried to forget. Learn the lessons of history or be doomed to repeat it.


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