So, on his way to the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Annual Leadership Summit and Republican Presidential candidate food fight at The Venetian in Las Vegas yesterday to hear Mike Pence give up any foolish notions that he might one day become President and Dotard Trump mumble and stumble his way through remarks as if he had a nose full of bath salts and a mouth full of backfill gravel, Ron DeSantis made a shot side trip to visit his masters at the Heritage foundation, to kiss the ring of course; spit in the eye of the Chinese government; and trash talk President Biden:

“WASHINGTON – Ron DeSantis outlined foreign policy plans Friday before a prominent group of Washington-based conservatives, and drew more contrasts with President Joe Biden than with Republican frontrunner Donald Trump…

Pledging to confront China over its military expansion, abuse of trade rules, and spying, DeSantis argued that China is the key to other foreign policy challenges. He said Beijing is a benefactor to Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and Iran in its support of Hamas in its conflict with Israel…

In terms of politics, DeSantis blamed Biden for the aggression of China, Russia, and Hamas, claiming “the Biden foreign policy is rudderless, weak, misguided, and solicitous of America’s adversaries.”

Yeah, yeah Gubernator, but at least the current President doesn’t wear clown boots:


If you look closely at DeSantis’ size 17 custom cowboy boots in Ron’s clip they appear to bend in a place they absolutely could not if there were actually a human foot filling them.

Fortunately, you won’t have to squint too long, because Twitterer Burt Macklin has kindly isolated a shot of the amazing bendy rodeo clown boot and posted it…


But, the real fun is back at Ron’s post…







Not to mention the bridge of his foot.

💯 💯 💯


One wouldn’t think a candidate could run a successful Presidential campaign walk-in’ around looking like that, but it is 21st century America which elected a clown make up wearing gone to seed game show host wannabe so I fear anything is possible.

But even Don Cornholeone never wore anything this ridiculous…

Please, America, tell me it can’t happen…

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  1. Thanks for pointing me to this, it’s hilarious. Who does he think he’s fooling with those???? My dear departed husband was only 6’1 but he had big hands and feet and wore a size 13. I’m an 11 (women’s size) myself and only 5’7. We know about big feet but Ron is failing miserably in what I assume he’s trying to convey…

    • I have size 14 feet (only average size hands for a man though) and I’D worry about tripping wearing those freaking boots! It really is pathetic. We used to call what DeSantis appears to have “short man’s disease.” (haven’t been measured in years but unless I’ve started to shrink a bit in my senior citizen years I stand 6’4″) Short Man’s Disease as we’d call it is characterized by shorter than average guys who overcompensate in unpleasant ways trying to prove they are “big men.” I’m known my share of people in my life, and plenty of the men have been good, capable and capable of showing both both moral and physical courage regardless of how tall or short they were. Others, again regardless of height were simply inadquate in multiple ways and lashed out with meanness.

  2. The bend to his leg was visible at the last GOP debate. He reminded me of the space aliens in Charlie Sheen’s movie The Arrival (not to be confused with an Amy Adams movie of the same title.) In Sheen’s movie, the aliens could jump like grasshoppers.

    The day DeSantis jumps eight feet into the air is the day I pack up the laptop and either flee to Canada or repatriate to Ireland.

  3. You can tell from one shot that the inner lifts are, at least, 1-1/2″ high if not more. One other thought—-and it’s serious (not snarky): did his wife give him pointers on how to walk in high heels? If so, either he wasn’t listening or she instructed him badly. I once sold shoes in a dept. store (in a lifetime far, far away) and would get young teens trying their first heels….and give advice on how to survive wearing them.

    • Maybe he is planning on auditioning for Frank N. Furter in a revival of Rocky Horror…
      Excuse me while I take a Dramamine after getting a flash of Ron the Smaller Con in a corset and platform shoes.

  4. One candidate in high heels, another wearing too much makeup and an elaborate hair-do.

    What is all that fuss they’re making about drag queens about?

    • Jealousy, Concinnity, that’s what it’s about. You just KNOW both Trumpler & DeSantass would love to go fullbore drag queen, but are too chickenshit to admit it. Imagine those cowboy boots with mesh stockings mmm …


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