I don’t know if Lin Wood is looking for attention, or if he’s so far off his rocker that he honestly doesn’t know reality from fantasy. Or, maybe he figures he can just say anything to the QAnon crowd and they’ll buy it and send him money. Perhaps all three? Here’s the latest and it is a doozy.

I am afraid to ask what “BOOM Week Ahead” means. Plus, I would like to point out that Lin Wood is running for the chair of the South Carolina Republican Party. And nobody in the GOP is stopping him. They all love this QAnon bat guano, they can’t get enough of it.

I keep wondering if there is a bottom to this. Here’s my favorite QAnon conspiracy theorist loon on Parler and her latest.

Again, we could laugh, but please don’t forget that there is a QAnon sponsored “audit” of the 2020 election going on in Arizona. And the Capitol riot was only a few months ago, and that was QAnon inspired. So this is not a laughing matter. You only need to be 18-years-old in this country to vote, you don’t need to be sane. For the first time in history, perhaps, that’s a problem.

Again, there are two narratives of reality playing concurrently and there are media outlets and social media outlets to cater to each, the real world and the bat guano world. This never used to be the case. There was always a tabloid presence, but it was recognized as such. I honestly do not know what these people think is real or fake. That’s the scary part.


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    • Mmmkay. Wood appears to be posting photos by White House photographers. Can someone dig out the metadata on those? (I am clueless at such tasks). And does he have the rights? It would be hysterical if he got in trouble for copyright violation on top of everything.

  1. I doubt that Lin Wood has been inside the WH fence since December of last year, if not longer. Most of the people he’s involved with are either high-grade con artists or genuinely insane.

    • The man is seriously ill. But that’s not the scary part. The fact that anybody takes him seriously at all, or that he would even be allowed to speak at a GOP event, much less run for chair of the party in South Carolina, says something much more frightening to me. It says that there are a lot of people who prefer delusion over reality. Maybe that’s why Lindsey Graham did his flip flop? He probably saw it coming and decided not to fight it.

  2. It’s really hard for me to actually think this stuff is real. I will say this : if I were younger and still in the work force, I would be a big believer in the 2nd Amendment. Protection from these nutballs is definitely going to be a high priority.


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