Lara Trump made it crystal clear, or should we say, Kristallnacht, what her intentions were when she took over the Republican National Committee, not just for the committee, but for the entire Republican party. She said that anybody who didn’t support Donald Trump 100% was free to leave. Trump’s daughter-in-law took over this morning as RNC co-chair and her first order of business was to get rid of seasoned staffers and replace them with Trump loyalists. If you cross Kristallnacht with the Keystone Kops you’re there.

All told, the expectation is that more than 60 RNC staffers who work across the political, communications and data departments will be let go. Those being asked to resign include five members of the senior staff, though the names were not made public. Additionally, some vendor contracts are expected to be cut.

In a letter to some political and data staff, Sean Cairncross, the RNC’s new chief operating officer, said that the new committee leadership was “in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned” with its vision. “During this process, certain staff are being asked to resign and reapply for a position on the team.”

The overhaul is aimed at cutting, what one of the people described as, “bureaucracy” at the RNC. But the move also underscores the swiftness with which Trump’s operation is moving to take over the Republican Party’s operations after the former president all but clinched the party’s presidential nomination last week.

Okay, this is one situation where you need to read between the lines to get the story, but since the story is blinking in neon, that won’t be difficult. Salaries are being eliminated so that the Trumps can grift more for themselves. That’s the translation of “bureaucracy.” As to eliminating heads of key departments, like communication and data, this is the Trump way of saying, “We know how to do it better than you do.” And if the topic is strictly getting Donald Trump elected, perhaps that’s the case. But remember, this is the Republican *National* Committee, which, last we knew, was supposed to provide a cohesive effort to fund not only the presidential race but the down ballot races as well.

This evisceration of the RNC is going to be noted well in the history books as the unanimous surrender of power to Trump world. There wasn’t a single nay last Friday when the RNC voted by voice to elect Trump’s two picks, the election denying Michael Whatley and Lara Trump. Whatever Donald wants, Donald gets. And Donald wants every nickel for himself and screw anybody else in any other race. That is the plain, brutal truth of the matter, and as Lara said, if you don’t like it, you know where to find the door.

This is true. The Heritage Foundation is all in favor of Project 2025, and guess who spoke to the Heritage Foundation when he was in town? Would you believe Viktor Orban? I daresay he had some serious pointers on how to purge dissidents and install loyalists. He may have given a seminar in the beating and terrorizing of journalists, he’s known for that, too. The Heritage Foundation was a normal conservative think tank for many years. John McCain spoke there on a regular basis. Now they’ve morphed into a Gestapo-esque arm of Trump’s MAGA takeover.

Kristallnacht, or the “night of broken glass,” was the name given to a pogrom against Jewish store keepers, ostensibly to avenge the death of a German diplomat and an innocent German soldier. It was nothing of the sort. It was a premeditated act by Hitler to let people know who was the boss.

Now this next bit is frightening. Take a look at this. This is what “conservative” has come to mean.

That anybody in this country can fall for this level of sophistry and evil is astonishing to me. Astonishing and depressing and frightening, each in equal measure. But here we are. As the prophet Lindsey Graham said, back in 2015 before he drank the Kool-aide, “If we nominate Donald Trump, he will destroy us. And we will deserve it.”

True enough. And if we are stupid enough as a nation to reelect Donald Trump, he will destroy us. Without a scintilla of a shadow of a doubt. He will destroy America and all that she stands for.

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  1. 1. If it’s close, it was rigged and I won!

    2. If it’s lopsided for the Rs, I won, fair & square! Now I get to tear everything down, everything!

    3. If it’s lopsided for the democratic party, it was rigged, and I won and I’m going to attack everything!


    And if I hear anyone say “We need an opposite party in Congress so one party doesn’t have complete control,” I am not gonna be a happy camper You know it’s comin’…

    Vote BLUE for EVERYTHING!!!

  2. You don’t need bureaucracy to sign checks directly to orangebob shitpants…Lara can sing in the car driving to the bank to deposit them. Remember the bandits in Treasure of the Sierra Madre, when Bogart asked them if they were the Federalies? They responded: badges? we don’t need no stinkin badges! Staff? The RNC…we don’t need no stinkin Staff! Bandits all.


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