You really don’t need to be much of a tea leaves reader to know that 2021 is going to roar into 2022. As Trump said about last January 6, “be there. It will be wild.” The signs of a chain reaction of explosive cultural events are already apparent, as we see the J6 Committee’s subpoenas accelerate, Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan cowering in the shadows, Donald Trump planning a smoke and mirrors “other side” counterprogramming event, with his Mar-a-Lago press conference January 6, and leading into that is the “media blitz” of Stuart Scheller, the Lt. Colonel just discharged from the Marine Corps.

If Scheller’s name isn’t ringing a bell, check the archives here. Type his name into the search function and you can follow all of his antics since he posted his first video condemning his superior officers for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which landed him in the brig — and that was after he gave up his pension and his wife left him.

The guy is not hitting on all cylinders, which makes him a perfect mark for Fox News to exploit.

Now I personally am going to be glued to the set watching what happens with Mother Tucker, the reason being that Scheller has gone on record saying that he doesn’t believe Donald Trump can unite the country. Or maybe Tucker will just ignore that, like it doesn’t exist. Alas, Twitter has a memory which makes the proverbial elephant look amnesiatic.

I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

Meanwhile, take a look at Scheller’s language and imagery.

“The Lord came as a lamb but He will come back as a Lion.” Matthew 27:46

And it goes without saying that Scheller will fit right in on Tucker Carlson’s show. You recall Carlson’s “documentary” on how January 6 was a false flag operation. If Scheller is in fact a theocrat who thinks that the moment of revolution is at hand, things could get decidedly strange.

We will of course do reviews of 2021 here in the next week as we move away from Christmas and into the New Year, but I feel totally confident in saying that we’re not looking at some sleepy holiday, followed by a low key transition into 2022. No way. 2021 started out batshit, it’s going to end that way, and I fear what a descriptor 2022 may warrant. I may spend a few days studying the thesaurus.

Think about what’s in store going into 2022 as we contemplate the lump of coal Joe Manchin gave us with no Build Back Better. We don’t yet have voting rights, but let’s put that on the front burner because if we don’t, we soon won’t have a stove to cook on.

Then there’s the book banning mess in Texas, which is blowing up in Greg Abbott’s face in an interesting way. Kids are starting to organize to discuss what they can read, in the wake of schools and libraries cracking down on transgender reading materials and critical race theory books. Reading is now cool. I like this development. Kids will always want something you tell them is forbidden, my God we may have found the Rosetta Stone here. Don’t tell them they have to study, tell them they can’t. That’s the way to do it.

Poor Greg Abbott. He was looking forward to burning the books to stay warm the next time the power grid fails and now this. Damn.

And here’s a tidbit I found from a blogger named Buttermilk Sky:

The ReAwaken America Tour pulled into Dallas — some week for Big D! — and out of the little car jumped Michael Flynn, Mike Lindell, Jovan Pulitzer, Eric Trump, Roger Stone and a new clown named Joe Oltman.  Strangely, the unvaccinated, mask-free crowd soon began to report symptoms like “fever storms…from rashes to blistering…passing blood…two solid days of haculicinations [sic]” — sounds bad.  It was Oltman who decided he was the victim of biological warfare in the shape of…ANTHRAX spread by the smoke machine (stay with me) in the First Baptist Church where the confab took place.  Not covid because there’s just no such thing.  You guys are in luck — anthrax can be treated with antibiotics.  Rush to your overburdened hospital and ask for it by name:  ciprofloxacin.  Tell ’em Louis Pasteur sent you.  (I know you think the FDA is controlled by Bill Gates and the Freemasons but maybe take a look at their warning about ivermectin first.)

This is a mere snapshot of our cultural state as we head into the third year of the third decade of the 21st century of the second millennium. Stay tuned. Not only “don’t touch that dial” in point of fact, you might want to build fortifications around the dial in case the roof caves in. I have no idea what lies just ahead, I just know it will be extraordinary. We live in interesting times.

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  1. Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.
    I think that many of us now understand that curse much better than ever after the last 6 years!

  2. I imagine liar tuck is putting his finger up to see which way the wind is blowing. As soon as liar’s audience gives mango man less than a 50% approval rating, liar will be done with him and on to some other schmuck.


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