Welcome, boys and girls of all ages, to Political Circus, a new show brought to you by the Republican party. Yes, the same people that brought you the Donald Trump $hit $how, the top rated epic that captivated the world for four interminable years and is threatening a sequel, is meanwhile bringing you a new show in January.

The GOP takes over the House in another month and what a show they have in store. The first episode planned is Laptop From Hell, starring John Paul Mac Issac, the computer repair shop man.

Benghazzzzzi was nothing like this, friends. Soon you will long for those days. Trust me.

If this is any indication of where this is going, at least this fellow seems grounded in the real world importance of what he’s going to be doing, which is strictly putting on a show. The man has a sense of humor.

And in truth? I don’t know if there is a dress code for being a witness in a congressional hearing. I guess we’re going to find out. And this could certainly open the door for some odd displays, but in this day and age, clothing is the least of our worries.

As to the “substance” of what Mr. Mac Issac will bring to a hearing, I guess we’ll find that out, too.

The Freedom Caucus is up in arms, the extreme right-wing fringe of it is the QAnon caucus, and they’re as out of control as they are out of touch, and the entire Republican party is stirred up over the intra party conflict surrounding the 2024 nomination process. Good times ahead.

It’s going to be some show.

Cast in the lead, we will told, will be Kevin McCarthy, and let’s see him reprise the role previously performed by John Boehner and Paul Ryan. For one thing, they had a lot bigger majority to work with, plus and most importantly, they weren’t dealing with Donald Trump looming over their shoulder in the shadows.

It’s going to be wild. Invest in popcorn futures now.

Maybe the Congressional Minutes should just be published in Variety. Ya think? Because there isn’t going to be any legislation being passed, this is strictly for entertainment.

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  1. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. No investigations have even been formally announced (GOP loudmouths can spew all the horseshit they want but committee assignments haven’t been made and there’s still plenty of time for Greene and the rest of the nutcases to have some “unfortunate accidents” between now and Jan 3) so it’s really telling that anyone has even planned to be a “witness.”

    I sure hope Australia doesn’t run out of kangaroos given the number that are (presumably) going to be used by the GOP next year.

  2. Political Circus brought to you by the star performers, the Clowns of the republican party.
    Grab a seat and make sure you’ve got plenty of popcorn.


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