Conservative Pundit: ‘If Judge Kavanaugh Goes Down, So Too Does The GOP In The Midterms’


It’s one thing to hear them talk on Fox News about the librul media and the Deep State but now the Wall Street Journal is proselytizing a plot against Brett Kavanaugh, and further, predicting that a Kavanaugh defeat would spell doom and gloom for the GOP on election day.

In the halls of Capitol Hill, the question centers on a much more immediate and political question: the fate of the Republican Party. The overwhelming verdict—on right and left—is that if Judge Kavanaugh goes down, so too does the GOP in the upcoming midterms. […]

But with Democrats and their media allies stopping at nothing to derail this nomination, even confident Republicans have been forced to consider the prospect of a defeat. A few GOP optimists, inside and outside the White House, are spreading the claim that a Kavanaugh loss could have a midterm upside. The argument: Candidates would light up the base by highlighting Democrats’ ambush tactics. President Trump would name a new nominee, and voters would rush to the polls to guarantee a GOP Senate and an ultimate confirmation.

And then a flock of porcine wonders will fly.

This columnist then goes on to paint the base as actually being rational and Trump as a strong figure, a “duly elected president” who is being denied, unjustly, we might add, “his Supreme Court pick.”

These voters handed Republicans control of the White House and Congress in large part to oversee these Supreme Court fights. Republicans have 51 votes, a sterling candidate, and no excuses. Good luck to any GOP candidate who turns around and promises a new nominee after a Kavanaugh fail. Why would or should voters believe Republicans would get it done the next time? Especially given that Democrats know they can repeat the ambush exercise. Among the reasons base Republicans lag Democrats in enthusiasm for this election is bitterness that the GOP failed in core promises to repeal ObamaCare and to restrain spending. A blown Supreme Court nominee would make matters far worse.

Interesting spin, that if Kavanaugh goes down in flames it will be because the GOP failed to take care of business, rather than because he’s a perfectly horrid candidate. It takes a very interesting pair of glasses indeed through which Brett Kavanaugh can be viewed as “sterling,” and the victim of an “ambush.”

The most interesting thing about this editorial, though, is that it’s considering the real possibility of Kavanaugh being defeated, a proposition that less than two weeks ago was unthinkable.

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