They say that the difference between the human genome and a chimpanzee (closest relative) is about 4.0%. I’m not buying it. Maybe they say that to make humans feel better. A chimpanzee has more manners, insight, love, compassion, and a sense of place in the world than a few humans. We are talking about Donald Trump. It can’t be more than 80% of chimpanzees, or chimps would claw each other’s eyes out and act nice to humans until disrespected and then fling fresh poo in faces.

Donald Trump and Barack Obama are not of the same species. Both sent emails today to help raise money. Whereas Trump was enraged and demanded money to defeat others, Obama was gracious, and thankful, and asked for money for his charitable organization to help others.

Let’s play a game! It’s New Year’s Eve. Is this from Trump or Obama:

Our global network of leaders is already starting to have an impact on different issues and in different communities. And the more activists, organizers, and entrepreneurs I meet, the more I believe in their potential.

Damn it. Tough game. I mean, it’s a tough game to put together because one needs only to look at spelling, grammar, and high school-level writing (the target for the general population). It’s Obama. Bwahahahahahah. Of course, no one had to tell you.

Let’s see if we can find a different one that is closer and tougher:

Our End-of-Year deadline is ALREADY HERE, and (Insert “ex” president here to make it fair) President XXXXXX needs YOU to help us CRUSH our goal so we can end 2022 AHEAD of the [jackasses] and their MEGADONORS.

We must CRUSH our End-of-Year fundraising goal. You need to know how important this is, Friend.

We told (“Ex”) President XXXX we’d do whatever it took to defeat our goal and stand against the radical “Direction,” which is why we’re doing something we haven’t done this month yet:


This isn’t working really well because if you have to insert “Ex” in front of the President, it’s sort of a giveaway. I guess we can’t play this game. The only real conclusion is that ex-President Obama has 96% chimpanzee genes and the four percent that are different are some of the best human genes. Trump’s 80% are some of the worst human and chimp genes.

Compare above. Do you really believe they’re issued by the same species? Me, neither.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: Democrat Majorities for 2 Decades if They Handle 2023 Correctly.


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