The two Jims, Comer and Jordan along with mouthpiece MTG and other Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are looking even worse these days than they had before. And it’s not a stretch to say they looked bad even before the linchpin of their impeachment effort against President Joe Biden was indicted. One flop after another had even fellow GOPers taking potshots at them. Shaking off one embarrassing face-plant after another they kept making up more charges that wound up leading to getting a Special Counsel named to go after Hunter Biden (who in turn would “get” them his dad Joe) and it’s backfired in spectacular fashion.

Raw Story put up a short article pointing out just how Comer shot themselves in their collective feet. How you might ask? Well, I’m sure you recall the relentless pursuit of Hunter Biden. Hunter they were sure would in turn give them his father President Joe Biden on a silver platter. The problem was, while one can debate how it looks when members of politician’s families have their own careers and business dealings but there simply wasn’t anything to the Burisma allegations. Even attempts (Rudy) to make crap up fell apart.

So they cast about Hunter’s life which let’s be honest has been troubled at times for something, anything they could charge him with. And in turn put his dad on the sport. David Weiss, a U.S. Attorney put on the case by Bill Barr eventually came up with an old tax charge (that had been settled – back taxes and penalties paid) and a question on a gun purchase form Hunter lied about saying he wasn’t taking illegal drugs. Weiss packaged those two things together into a plea deal which fell apart. But the plea deal itself cause rabid GOPers to go ballistic.

It seems some IRS whistleblower claimed Weiss had been “pressured” by superiors (Garland) at DOJ but Weiss himself and under oath denied it. (So did others in a position to know) But by god Comer and Jordan knew, they knew that simply couldn’t be true. So they kicked and hollered and yelled and screamed for Weiss to be given full Special Prosecutor status. So focused were they on any laws they could “get” Hunter Biden and his dad Joe on they forgot about another law – the one of unintended consequences.

If your confused I can’t say I blame you. So let me lay out the main points for you:

  • The ultimate goal from the beginning was to impeach President Joe Biden
  • The best means the GOP believed to do so was to get at him through his son Hunter who was a lawyer with a practice in international business and who had dealings with a Ukrainian company while his dad was VP.
  • No credible evidence was ever found either Hunter or his dad did anything illegal or wrong. But Ukraine had plenty of Russian supporters embedded in govt. and business and corruption was still a serious problem. Plenty easy to make allegations and for politics that’s often enough
  • It didn’t work, either before the 2020 election. They couldn’t smear Biden (through his son) enough to keep him from winning. So GOPers decided to smear him after and at least impeach him. Hence the continued pursuit of Hunter Biden.
  • The crazies had two elements they counted on. Two “smoking guns.” One was David Weiss hauling Hunter Biden into federal court on felony charges. GOPers thought they had proof Weiss was pressured to back off.  The other “smoking gun” was ex FBI informant Smirnov who they insisted had “proof” of President Biden’s corrupt dealing in Ukraine. In fact, he and his “evidence” has been the foundation of their entire impeachment effort

Got that? Those are the main big chunks that got thrown into the cauldron. However there were plenty of smaller chunks of rancid foodstuffs stirred in too. Here’s the problem and why the bottom fell off this pot of vile stew. Weiss told the GOP (under oath I should add) that no, he’d never been pressured and always believed he had all the authority he needed. That he had no doubt that whatever he recommended Garland would sign off on it. Before he was given Special Counsel status. Republicans made their allegations, and as the linked article states:

“Even though Weiss told them that wasn’t true, Republicans still howled that the Biden administration was trying to protect Hunter Biden. So Attorney General Merrick Garland went on and made Weiss a special counsel in August. That increased his authority, which he used to bring charges against Smirnov.”

Yep, whether we’re talking about the law of unintended consequences, or the old saw about being careful what you wish for twin Yosemite Sam Jims didn’t just shoot themselves in the foot, they got their pals on the Oversight committee to join in into weird circle jerk/circular firing squad. Or maybe except for MTG the others just made like Barney Fife and just shot their one bullet into the edge of their foot.  No matter. They wanted Weiss to be a Special Counsel and they got it. And more than they bargained for:

“If not for the Republicans trying to bring down President Biden, Smirnov many never have been charged,” Brown wrote for “A former IRS official had claimed to the House that David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, had been rebuffed when he’d asked to be appointed as a special counsel to better pursue his criminal investigation of Hunter Biden.

Comer has presided over the engineering of the implosion of the very impeachment building he decided against all reason to label an actual impeachment building. Is it mean to suggest it would be fitting to find some building rigged with explosives to implode, have a big sign saying Biden Impeachment over the entrance and then telling Comer, Jordan, MTG and the others there’s actual, this time for sure real, solid evidence against the Biden’s inside? And then after they’ve all rushed in like shoppers at a mall on Black Friday hit the “detonate explosives” button.

Well, at least they got the Mayorkas impeachment to look forward to. Maybe the humiliation of that will get them and the rest of the GOP cover to just forget about this whole Biden impeachment stuff.


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  1. wouldn’t it be ironic if “someone” was to “find” something on Rep. Comer that required HIS impeachment?

    I dunno, was he one of that group that went to Moscow on July 4th a few years ago? Or didn’t he support the January 6th Insurrection?

    The man has enough slime on him to challenge the dotards and Gym Jordan. He is a cretin.

    rebpulicons: proving on a daily basis that irony is not dead.

    • A congressman can be reprimanded, a congressman can be censored (which is more serious), and a congressman can be expelled — but a congressman cannot be impeached.

      Expulsion is extremely rare, but we just saw that rare event with George Santos. James Traficant was expelled in 2002, Michael Meyers in 1980, but then you have to go back to the Civil War year of 1861 when there were three expulsions: John B Clark and John W. Reid, both of Missouri; and Henry C. Burnett of Kentucky. And those are all the reps that have ever been expelled.

  2. Great article, Denis! It is amazing that more people cannot clearly see the idiocy of the republicans. It is like a bad movie – The Shakiest Gun in the West or The Apple Dumpling Gang.

    Did anyone else read Yosemite Jims as “Yo-se-might Jims”? LOL!


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