The television *resident is back on television. This was stupid and desperate on CNN’s part. I fully expect them to get the Media Loser award that Mediaite awards every week. This is a complete joke. All this has done is take Donald Trump from the bottom of the news heap yesterday and give him an artificial boost in front of 400 sycophants. Chris Licht, the CEO of CNN, has just buried himself publicly.

Got your bread in hand? And a brewski? Here’s your circus.

He starts out with the wall. “I did finish the wall. I built hundreds of miles of wall.” And I colored it with crayon and drew pictures of lions and bears, so there. I want my blankey and my nap! You’re mean!

Here’s the Mango Moron’s foreign policy contribution for the night.

And now we get to his crimes and of course it gets ridiculous.

Here’s the “nasty person” crack.

And you knew this was happening. He’s not committing to accept 2024 results either unless he wins.

Discussing Georgia.

It’s the same old, same old, different day. The past is prologue with this guy.


The fall out from this will come shortly. CNN getting back in bed with Trump is not a good idea for anybody except Trump. And it may be too late.

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    • I would have had no objection if the “town hall” was filled with a normal group of voters, and not just Trump’s fans. That’s where it went off the rails.

      • Actually it went off the rails before it was ever scheduled. This was stupidity of the worst sort. It was not news or newsworthy. It was a desperate stab on Licht’s part to gather in Liar Tuck’s audience-the stench of his desperation was breathtaking in fact. The only good that will come of this will be a total loss of the rest of the CNN audience and it being shuttered completely-hopefully before the end of the year.

      • Ursula, who decided that only MAGA Republi-chickens would attend? I heard an ad on CNN last week that said the audience would be a mixture of tRump followers, independents and undecided. What happened to change that?!?! Did tRump threaten to bail if it wasn’t only his MAGA followers? He’d just take his toys and go home? It’s been a rough week in Witch Hunt Land? So much winning.

    • They lost me long ago. During the Bush 43 years they started ditching good people, and I got tired of screaming at Wolf Blitzer and his incessant promotion of his wet-dream “Dream Team” ticket. And John King doing all he could to skew voters in the Democratic primary playing “what if” games with his magic wall. The final blow was debate coverage which really included no meaningful analysis even though they had some folks on set each time that might have provded some. Instead they had MULTIPLE panels that only repeated the same general initial broad points. So I was done with them. I’ve seldom watched anything on CNN since. And certainly not news/political coverage.

  1. I watched about 3 minutes of his whining and lies, I couldn’t take much more. And would someone buy him a new damn suit!!! :/ Bad move CNN, a very bad move!

  2. Phuck cnn. To promote this criminal fascist is treasonous. Count me in for the permanent middle finger never to watch again. I’ll read tea leaves instead.

    • You’ll probably do better with the tea leaves. After the phony Washington Post-ABC poll (showing Biden eight points down to Trump) I’ve seriously been thinking of chicken entrails, tea leaves, maybe throwing the I Ching.

  3. So disappointed in CNN What has happened they allowed lies throughout the broadcast. I won’t be watching again

  4. The best way to silence these organizations is to force them to pay the legal costs for being involved in trying to overthrow the government.
    Since they favor one party over the other they are accomplices in the attempt to overthrow the government for profit and need to be sued into poverty for it.

  5. “All this has done is take Donald Trump from the bottom of the news heap yesterday and give him an artificial boost…” Why would anyone expect anything other than this? The MSM’s treatment of the bloated bloviator back in 2015-2016 is the reason we had the fool foisted on our nation in the first place. He SHOULD have been treated like the incompetent he actually is back then-our nation would be immeasurably better for it. Nope, the MSM failed us back then and CNN at least failed us last night. I expect more failure next year. Pity, they really have a chance at redeeming themselves but I think we all know they will just wallow in the sh!t and ooze and the sh!t gibbon will provide a f**k ton of shit and ooze.


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