Is it just me or does anyone else have a huge problem with a Supreme Court Justice who is appointed swearing to uphold and defend American Democracy and who also accepts perhaps hundreds of thousand of dollars as “gifts” from a mega-rich Dallas Real Estate developer who collects Nazi Memorabilia and pals around with hated dead dictator statuary in his back yard?

Meet Thomas’s benefactor, Harlan Crow.

Harlan Crow made his money the old fashioned way… he inherited it.

His father, Trammell Crow had, in the course of his work life, ascended from chicken plucker to architect of a vast empire of rental properties that would make the former guy look like a pauper, in fact his was the largest such organization, managing some 300,000,000 sq. feet by 1971.

Then he turned it over to his snot nose, who collects Hitler paintings, SCOTUS judges, and Stalin statues.

“When Republican megadonor Harlan Crow isn’t lavishing Justice Clarence Thomas with free trips on his private plane and yacht (in possible violation of Supreme Court ethics rules), he lives a quiet life in Dallas among his historical collections. These collections include Hitler artifacts—two of his paintings of European cityscapes, a signed copy of Mein Kampf, and assorted Nazi memorabilia—plus a garden full of statues of the 20th century’s worst despots.

Crow, the billionaire heir to a real estate fortune, has said that he’s filled his property with these mementoes because he hates communism and fascism. Nonetheless, his collections caused an uproar back in 2015 when Marco Rubio attended a fundraiser at Crow’s house on the eve of Yom Kippur. Rubio’s critics thought the timing was inappropriate given, you know, the Hitler stuff.

“I still can’t get over the collection of Nazi memorabilia,” says one person who attended an event at Crow’s home a few years ago and asked to remain anonymous. “It would have been helpful to have someone explain the significance of all the items. Without that context, you sort of just gasp when you walk into the room.” One memorable aspect was the paintings: “something done by George W. Bush next to a Norman Rockwell next to one by Hitler.” They also said it was “startling” and “strange” to see the dictator sculptures in the backyard.“

I need to give a hat tip to Jennifer Taub , who put me onto this story, about which her followers made many amusing comments…



Paging Dr. Oedipus.





I am sure Mr. Crow got what he paid for.

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  1. The republiCLOWNS are financed by nazis and putin.
    They must be eliminated from society.
    Once fat ass is prosecuted for attempting overthrow the government, it will be time to take the trash out by encouraging ALL of the “judges” put on the bench by these nazis to either leave or suffer the consequences.

  2. Crow would have owed the IRS tons of money prior to Bush’s 2001 tax change. The limit used to be $10,000. Now it is over twelve million in gifts over a life time before it is subject to the gift tax.

    This is what I could find on what is considered a gift:

    The gift tax applies to the transfer by gift of any type of property. You make a gift if you give property (including money), or the use of or income from property, without expecting to receive something of at least equal value in return.Jan 25, 2023

    Maybe Crow paid the tax, but I doubt it. Of course Thomas may have paid income tax on it. What ever it should be investigated by the IRS.

  3. Oh all this blatant Nazi loving by the Right should be emphasized by all Democrats. And can’t more of them use the ‘f’ word more. No, not that ‘f’ word.

  4. Come on. Left wing billionaire George Soros helped to grab the valuables of Jews for the NAZI’s. He also finances violent protests and the election of DA’s who turn violent criminals loose. He has visited the white house many times when occupied by Democratic presidents. Who is worse? Ask Ms taub.

    • Another russian blowing fascist fantasizing about Soros….
      As wealthy and successful as Soros is, you would think that republiCLOWNS were lining up to blow him…

    • Art, baby, you don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about. The whole George Soros-thing is just other words for “we hate Jews but don’t wanna get caught saying it”. George Soros has done virtually NOTHING of what he is always blamed for on the right. It’s pure Jew-hate on the part of those who don’t wanna get caught saying “we hate Jews”.

  5. Reading about this man actually made me nauseous. And I’m a conservative. Why would one want to collect so called artwork by hitler. Think of it, the man universally referred as the most evil creature of modernl time couldn’t give it away in early 20th century Vienna and Munich. Is there a rational explanation for wanting to have this garbage, the fruit, if you will, of this monster in your home. I don’t know, its a heavy concept. However, and with some comfort, I expect he lives in a heavily gated community so that we are protected from him.


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